Thursday, March 31, 2022


Up at 6:15AM. 
Hubby got up out of bed to let the dogs out for potty.
Hubby went to the kitchen to make breakfast eggs for the dogs.  

I got up and made lattes and nanogreens. I cut up chicken for myself.

Hubby got dressed and made the bed.

We watched morning news for a while. 

I tried to transfer $ to Bank, but the accounting service had debited a refund and depleted our account. I was upset. Need to appeal the refund with the credit card company.

Then Hubby did the cat litter. He remembered that I had to take him to work as he had dropped his truck off at the detailers last night.

Hubby opened the garage door and Robert ran out. So we had to wrangle him back in the house.

Tater went out to the car and jumped in. Hubby loaded packages for the shop. The USPS man came. We don't have the pretty lady with the braids anymore. She was nice. The guy said that this is HIS route now. His name is Luis. 

I drove hubby to work. On the way, the Golf Club idiots were driving a cart ON FLAT TOP MESA up the wrong way. I just continued and did not move for them. They drove the cart up over the curb, smashing bushes, and drove on the sidewalk. IDIOTS. We need to start reporting this crap.

At the shop, I took a picture of the return policy on the wall. Then jumped in a Jeep that they had there for lights installation. I don't like the stereo/knobs in the new Jeeps. Hope they change it in a year.

Drove back home. 

Had to pick up the bikes that had fallen over in the garage. Backed in and parked FMF.

Let Wilson out for potty.

I started bookwork.

Finished 2021 cleaning up bookwork. 
Wilson and I took a walk around the neighborhood at 1PM. They were draining water down by the new construction. 

USPS brought more packages. UPS brought packages. 

At 2:20PM , I left Wilson at home and I drove packages to Hubby at shop Jay & Amy were there. Hubby unpackaged the custom RMOR air gauges that we had ordered. They are great. 

I came back home. Let Wilson out for potty. 

I texted Casey and made sure that Hubby left before 4:30PM to go order new trucks at Ford Dealership. He left at 4PM. 

Hubby got home at 5PM.
One in Stone Gray One in Atlas Blue. Both with Tan interiors? I don't like tan interiors. 

We rode motorcycles around the neighborhoods.

Hubby left at 6PM to go meet Semi truck delivery for Transamerica parts at the shop.

I did more bookwork.
When Hubby got home, it was still daylight. So we rode around the neighborhood on our motorcycles and then came back home. 
We watched TV and then I went to bed at 10PM. Hubby went to bed at 11PM.

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