Monday, March 28, 2022


Up at 6:30AM. Lots of bad dreams last night. 
Hubby was restless all night. 
He warmed up breakfast eggs for dogs.
Hubby got dressed & made the bed. 
Hubby grilled chicken for me.
I made lattes. Then I cut up chicken with mayo for breakfast. (Keto diet)

After breakfast, I peed on a Keto test strip and it said that I have virtually ZERO carbs in my system. I SHOULD be in Ketosis.
Washed my hair.
Started laundry. 

I vacuumed up the cat litter.
Sat down with Hubby to watch morning News.
Hubby cleaned cat litter and loaded his packages into the Can Am.
Said goodbye and he loaded Tater in the UTV. They left for the shop at 8:30AM.
I did bookwork. Cleaned up breakfast dishes and started dishwasher.
Put clean dishes away at 11:30PM.
I put clean clothes away. 
I threw away all Hubby's old socks that were dirty and torn. I ordered more socks for him from Amazon.

At 12:45PM, UPS brought a couple small packages. Then I pulled some weeds out front.

Lots of wind. 

At 1PM, I got an Emergency Notification on my phone that there was a WIND/DUST WARNING. I looked outside and saw no mountains. Nothing but dust. I brought in the seat cushions and pillows from outside. 

Bryson stopped at 2:15PM to pick up packages that had been delivered.

A couple private Amazon delivery drivers stopped with packages. 

Hubby & Tater got home at 5:30PM.

I took a nap from 6PM to 7:30PM. 

I woke up and we opened packages that were delivered. Some of the filters that Hubby ordered and hangers that I ordered for t-shirts.

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