Sunday, March 20, 2022



Up at 7AM. 

I got up and made lattes in the kitchen. Let the dogs out for potty. Hubby warmed up left over eggs for breakfast to feed dogs. 

Hubby made the bed. 

Drove the old Hwy. to VEYO for pies. Hubby had a craving for cherry pie. 
We stopped at the park in town as people were in church and we could not walk the dogs at the grassy Mormon church. It was bitterly cold, snowing, and windy. I had not taken a sweater. Hubby was in his shorts & a thin Hawaiian shirt. I had to pee, but the doors were locked at the restrooms in the park. We smelled a skunk, which Hubby argued to me smelled like marijuana. 

On the way to Veyo pies, driving thru town we saw a man walking a small pitbull. Looked like Tater. Tater tried to bark at it. We rolled up his window.
After we arrived at Veyo Pies, I waited in the FMF while Hubby purchased a slice of cherry pie, strawberry pie, cherry rhubarb, and strawberry rhubarb. They were out of chicken pot pies. He was disappointed. Saw a HUGE Saint Bernard stick its head out the window of a car was we were leaving the Pie store.
Drove to a camping area advertised in Veyo, but there was nothing there. It appeared closed.
We drove to St George. Hubby accidentally got off the road and drove thru The Ledges which had some very nice houses. Hubby preferred the flat roofed homes to ours in Mesquite. More "southwestern style" he said. 
Continued driving to St George. Saw some idiot biker on the road instead of the bicycle path. We honked our horn at him. Idiot. 
In St George, we stopped at Arby's for sandwiches for Hubby & the dogs. Then we drove to Costco. Left the dogs in the FMF as it was a nice day. Both of us had to go potty first. Then went to get groceries. Chicken, paper towels. I commented to one guy on the way out that he "did not look like the unicorn type" as he had a HUGE stuffed colorful unicorn in the grocery basket. He laughed. It looked like he was on his phone and waiting for his family getting food at the food court. The costco person that looks at the receipt on the way out had to peruse EVERY SINGLE THING in our cart and mark each one off. We waited for a LONG TIME to leave.
Loaded groceries in car. Drove back towards Mesquite. It was raining. Black clouds and cold. We had given the dogs some water. 
It rained thru the Gorge. Seemed to take FOREVER to get thru (time-warp?).
Got off in Littlefield at the Pilot Gas Station to get lottery tickets. When Hubby came out to the car, the cashier had given his change from his $10 and it was too much. So he took the $4 in and returned it to her. KARMA. 
There was a 3 mile back-up going north/east on I-15 at Littlefield bridge repair. It was awful.
Finally arrived home. We put away groceries.

Hubby put the final board on the neighbor's Barn Doors. My car remained park outside with the Dually because the Barn Door is on the garage floor drying. 

I made chicken & latte for myself.

At 4PM-5PM, I took a nap. Woke up feeling awful.

We watched a couple interesting Documentaries on Amazon Prime. The Life and Adventures of William Buckley and The Tenerife Airplane Disaster.

Went to bed at 11PM. I had trouble falling asleep. Hubby started snoring immediately.

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