Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MARCH 1 2022

Woke up at 6:30AM. I had taken 1 Melatonin last night and slept well. 

I made the bed and put the comforter away. Opened the mini blinds. 

Made lattes. 

Hubby let the dogs out and made breakfast eggs for the dogs. He fed them. 

Dogs laid down on the sofa to have their early mornign nap. 

I cut up chicken that we purchased from Costco yesterday for my breakfast.
Hubby had left-over eggs that he made from yesterday. He warmed them up on the stove.

I sat down to eat my chicken on the sofa, but the Garbage truck went past and Hubby had not taken our garbage can outside. 

Hubby has been hurting in the legs for the last couple days and for some reason, he left his leg braces in the RV out in Scenic. 

So I raced out and dragged the can across the street for when the drive comes back.

Hubby cleaned cat litter. I took clean laundry and put it on the bed so I could put it away later.

Hubby & Tater left at 8:30AM. I put Tater's grey sweatshirt on him.

I walked out to hug & kiss Hubby. Had to wave at neighbor Dave. 

I came back inside and did bookwork. Hubby had gotten all the past two month's invoices from Moto Zoo so I had to log them into Quickbooks.

I picked up dog poo outside. I re-filled the dog water. While re-filling water for the birds, I dropped the bird bath and it shattered. Cleaned it up. 

Ordered another bird bath from Amazon.

I moved the barn doors in the garage so we can put the tires that are coming from Super ATV being delivered by FED EX. 

Fed Ex delivered ONE TIRE. Out of a possible 18 that are supposed to be delivered.
UPS delivered FOUR TIRES. The other 12 are missing. 
I could not go to Mary Ellen's birthday party because I was still waiting for Tires to be delivered. Hubby got super busy at the shop and could not go.

I went back to doing Bookwork. Wilson went outside then came back inside. Kokopelli were blowing on the opposite side of the street-it was loud and dusty.

I finally got done with all the receipts at 3PM.

Hubby called me in a panic about all the tires being delivered. He called SUPER ATV and they said the other tires would be delivered Truck Freight and won't come until later in the week. Found out that EACH tire is assigned it's own UPS Shipping number instead of 4 at once. 

Hubby came home at 5PM with Tater. I took Tater's collar off and let him outside for potty. I took off his sweatshirt and put it in the laundry.
Hubby ate the rest of his sandwich from lunch. Then we left the dogs at home. I drove with him to the shop. We saw Pat & Suzy on the way. They followed us to the shop.

Joe & Tom were there with Volk. All the guys were at the shop.

I worked on Chris' income tax. Still a glitch and it would not efile. So printed out documents. 

Hubby had some guy look at his Dually to buy. 

Then Hubby took me home. Stopped at Walmart. I ran in the store to get 3 gallons of milk, orange juice, and Starbucks coffee. 

Loaded groceries into truck and drove home. I unloaded groceries. Hubby left to go have dinner with Joe & Tom at Golden West. Tom really likes the food there.

I did bookwork. Submitted my receipt to Starbucks rewards for points.
Hubby got back about 9PM.
He was hurting badly. He took a hot shower because he smelled like cigarette smoke. 
Then he did his leg compression machine on the bed for 30 minutes.
I got the shower & towel ready for him. 
We watched a little more TV and went to bed at 11PM.

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