Wednesday, January 06, 2021



Up at 7:30AM. I hurt all over. Need to quit drinking Eucalyptus tea because I think it causes inflammation for me, does not prevent it.

I made the bed. I got up and made lattes & Nanogreens in the kitchen. Warmed up a small baked cheese egg for myself. Hubby made eggs for the dogs and fed them.

We ate and watched morning News. 

I cleaned up dog poo and put out fresh water for the birds.

Hubby got ready for his ride at 9AM. He got dressed. Found Tater's sweatshirt because it was cold outside. Lost his collar, but just as Hubby was leaving, I found it in the washing machine because it was so dirty, I had been planning on washing it. 

Loaded Tater in the Can Am.

I started doing bookwork Quickbooks as soon as they were gone. Wilson was whining. I gave him a meat stick and put him outside for potty. 

An hour later, Hubby was back. Oscar had run into a rock and Hubby followed him back to town. 

Hubby took his Can-Am to wash.
Hubby stopped at Walmart to get cheese, tortillas, Walmart was out of printer ink.

Hubby went down to wash his truck. Hubby got back again at 2:15PM with Panda Express. 

We ate lunch while Hubby talked to Joe about the King of Hammers.

I ordered printer ink from HP.

Hubby went outside to wipe off his Can-Am after he had washed it.

Hubby came inside to watch the dogs so that I could get bookwork finished!!!

We watched TV for a while. I soaked my feet in warm water and epsom salts. I put cream on my feet. 
At 8PM, I scanned more paperwork.
Ordered the book "How To Ride An Ostrich" online.
I took a hot bath. 

Went to bed at 10PM.


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