Tuesday, December 01, 2020



Awake at 5AM when Hubby went to potty. He threw Wilson on the bed with us. Wilson was TIRED. I got up at 6:45AM. Wilson went in the potty with me.

I made the bed. Wilson went outside. 

I came out to the kitchen to make lattes & Nanogreens. Hubby gave Wilson his eggs for breakfast which he did not touch. Still depressed & off his food because Tater is gone.

I cleaned up breakfast dishes and started washer. 

We watched News on TV until 8AM. 

Hubby got dressed. I went outside to give the bird bath some warm, clean water. Hubby cleaned the cat litter.

Hubby helped me clean the poop out of the Roomba. It was gross. 

Hubby put screw holes in the Dominoes for me. Then he cut the boards for my Xmas painting. 


Hubby left for the shop at 9:30AM. 

I worked on Dominoes. Then I did more laundry and put it away. Put away dishes. 

Picked up dog poo.

I had to sit and rest on a heating pad because I was in pain. Had to take pain killers.

Hubby got home at 1PM. He had lunch.

We took the Dually to the Attorney's office for the 2PM appointment. Took Wilson with us. I walked down to get the mail before we left. It was all junk mail.

It took the Attorney 15 minutes before he called Hubby inside. Hubby was upset to be kept waiting. There was a conflict of interest as stupid attorney works with Pulte. He recommended another attorney in town. 

We went down to Ace Hardware to get more eye screws, nails, for crafts. I walked Wilson around before we went inside so he could go potty.

We drove back home.

I paid bills online when we got home. 

Hubby made chili and peanut butter sandwiches for us. 

Got starbucks coffee pods from Amazon. Got ornament hangers from Amazon. Brent, the UPS delivery driver, was delighted to see that I had left out Krispy Kreme donut holes for him! 

I wrapped more Amazon boxes, had Hubby put them on the highest cabinets in the kitchen.

Hubby watched Automotive shows on TV.

Hubby did leg compression at 8PM. I helped him get the leg compression machine on the bed. 

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