Monday, November 30, 2020



Awake at 5AM when Hubby went to potty. He put Wilson on the bed with me. We slept until 6:15AM. I got up and made the bed.

Then went to the kitchen. Hubby had already made eggs for Wilson, but the dog did not want any breakfast. I made lattes & Nanogreens.

Hubby did the cat litter and vacuumed. 

I made Xmas Domino ornaments and wrapped empty Amazon boxes for decor above the kitchen cabinets.

Hubby was in the garage doing work. He called Lindi Corp to find out when they were coming and the woman that answered said it was scheduled for 2-4PM. 

Took the Dually and drove to store. Took Wilson with us SO HE DOESN'T BARK BY HIMSELF AT HOME.

We went to Dollar Store. Got wrapping paper and scotch tape. For boxes above the kitchen cabinets, like KR had suggested to make it look more decorative Holiday look. 

Went over to Walmart.
Picked up groceries. LOTS of people in the store. They had LOTS of Clorox and Lysol on the shelves. 

Lysol Spray & Clorox Wipes

We came home, unloaded groceries. 

We gave chicken nuggets to Wilson. Let him out for potty. He sat outside QUIETLY, and looked at things. 

I wrapped more boxes for the kitchen cabinets. Then I started working on Xmas Dominoes ornaments.

I had to sit on the heating pad and took aspirin because I was in pain. 

Watched HOUSE on TV.  
Hubby called a local lawyer in town to make an appointment to talk about Property damage. He has an appointment for 2PM tomorrow.

Appliance guy still not here by 2:17PM. Hubby is getting nervous.

We walked out back to take more pictures of the devastation on the fence. It is bowing and more brick is breaking off. The fence is swaying, and there is broken/cracked sidewalk out from our house. The sidewalk is also heaving directly out from our house.

We stopped to talk with a nice couple who had a little Schnauzer. 
Appliance guy got here at 3:00PM. He was here for a few minutes. Hubby and I were out back, taking pictures. I stayed to take more pictures while walking Wilson.

Hubby left at 4PM to go down to the shop and meet a guy that is getting an engine put in his truck. He will have Lupe do the engine. 

I asked Hubby to pick up stuff at Ace Hardware.

I watched HOUSE on TV and worked on the Domino Ornaments. 
Hubby got home at 6:30PM. I was doing laundry. 
Hubby had dinner. He put away laundry.
I went thru the documents for the Pulte Warranty and made copies for the Attorney tomorrow. 

I did more laundry and put it away.

We went to bed at 10:30PM.

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