Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Up at 5AM. Very lonely without Tater in the bed. I think we will go ahead with the training in January and see if that helps with the dog. Hubby and I talked in bed until 6AM when we got up. 
I got dressed and took Wilson out to potty. He was very dejected. Stood at the side of the house for a long time, then I encouraged him to go potty and he finally went over to the fence and peed. There was nobody walking past on the sidewalk, so he did not get the urge to bark. 
Hubby warmed up the breakfast bake for Wilson. Wilson ate half-heartedly. He is depressed that Tater did not come home. 

I made the bed. Then Bruce was up and talking with Hubby. Bruce took a shower. I made lattes & Nanogreens. 

We sat in the living room and Hubby realized he was late for his 8AM breakfast. It was 7:58AM when they left. 

I crocheted and watched TV. Made toast for breakfast. 

Opened the doors when it got warmer. 

Hubby and Bruce were gone all day. They were down at the shop. Wilson and I took a walk. I did laundry and put it away. I vacuumed. I put clean dishes away.

Watched Cold Case on Roku channel on TV.

They came back about 4PM. Hubby parked his truck & trailer out on Flat Top Mesa while Bruce came to the house and got his pick up truck. He met Hubby out on Flat Top Mesa so they could caravan down to the shop and drop off Rizner's trailer. Norm, our neighbor, happened to drive by and pulled over to talk. Wilson and I said goodbye to Hubby thru the fence. 

Hubby and Bruce returned briefly. They changed clothes and went out to dinner at Samurai 21 with Casey and family. 


Returning at 7PM, they talked on the sofa for hours. I started feeling aches and body pain, so I went to bed early. I took some pain killer and aspirins. Finally, the pain went away after a while. But it was truly the worst that I had felt in ages!

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