Friday, November 06, 2020


Woke up at 6AM. Nobody was in bed with me. Hubby was sitting on the sofa with both dogs. They came back to bed with me. Then we all got up.

Hubby made breakfast eggs for dogs & fed them. He had already given the cats the tuna early this morning. Dogs had already been out to potty.

Hubby made his hot peppers in his breakfast burrito. We had to turn on all the fans because we could not breathe.
Then I made lattes & Nanogreens. I changed the sheets on the bed because I was hot last night and sweated. There is also dog hair on everything. 

I started laundry and put away laundry from last night.

Hubby cleaned cat litter and vacuumed. I picked up dog poo. There were maintenance men cleaning up bushes & trees in the street. 
I cleaned up breakfast dishes and started the dishwasher. 

I started doing some books on Quickbooks while Hubby watched

There were clouds in the sky today. Had to turn on lights. We opened all the doors. 

Hubby left at 8:45AM and took Tater with him. They drove the FMF to the shop as the truck is still down at Jose's yard.

I cleaned up the front bathroom. Dropped a scented  freshener which broke and I had to clean up the glass. I cleaned up the bathroom cabinet that had lots of bath powder spilled. 

Then I gathered together all the garbage. Started more laundry. Put more laundry away. 

I crocheted 3 round balls and was trying to put them together. 

I did bookwork on the computer for the rest of the day.

Dave & Carmen, neighbors came over about 4PM and needed to use the computer to print out their interview in the Sun City Journal from last month. I showed them the new office & front door.

I walked back with them to their house and got the mail. Hubby came down the street, driving the FMF. 

Hubby got home at 4:30PM. He gave Tater a bath outside on the patio and then took a shower himself. He made dinner for himself and sat on the sofa to watch Automotive shows.

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