Friday, November 13, 2020


NOVEMBER 13 2020 
Up at 6AM. I got up and made the bed. 

I went out to make lattes & Nanogreens. I warmed up sausage for myself. Hubby fed the dogs breakfast eggs that he made. He also made a burrito for himself.
We sat on the sofa to eat breakfast. 
Hubby cleaned cat litter. I picked up dog poo.
The Carpet Cleaners called to ask if they could come at 9AM instead of 10AM. So we bundled up the dogs and put them in the truck as the cleaners came. We walked Quinn and his assistant thru the house to tell them what to clean. All 3 rooms of carpet, rug in livingroom, grout everywhere in major areas, and the cushions on the patio. I paid Coyote Carpet Cleaning and we left for 2.5 hours that he estimated.
We loaded the piano into the Dually and drove to the shop. Unloaded it with Eric, he is going to give it to his daughter. I went over to mail a box to KR and talked with Suzy. She has the pumpkin that I gave her displayed at the U-Haul store.
Pumpkin at U-Haul

We drove to Bunkerville and walked the dogs thru the park. A guy with a little girl and a dog came to the park so we finished our walk and left. The little girl kept squealing so loud that it hurt our ears.

We drove to Scenic and purchased lottery tickets. Then we stopped at Starbucks for drinks. I used the in-store credit that we had gotten and Starbucks rewards. Dogs got Pupachinos. 


Crossing the road, we stopped at the park and walked the dogs by the baseball courts. Both of us used the restrooms at the park.
Afterwards, we went back to Starbucks because they had not added any flavor to Hubby's Creme Brulee caramel latte. They put too much flavor in the second time.
I wanted to stop at Walmart, so we drove there and Hubby dropped me off. I had to walk the whole length of the store 3 times to find cinnamon scented pinecones, but after looking and getting help from about 3 employees, the ones that I found had glitter on them. Yuck. I got done shopping and met Hubby outside. It was really frustrating to shop as there were too many people in the store. Stopping in the middle of aisles, blocking aisles, lining up 6 deep at the registers. I had to go in the self-checkout area and it was still crowded. I got more cinnamon sticks, candy for hubby, chicken nuggets for dogs.
We drove home and the cleaning people had left our sliding glass door on the patio wide open! We thought the cats had gotten out, but they were in the house still. Thank goodness!
The floors were really clean, but Hubby noticed missing grout in places. The grout is SO MUCH BRIGHTER now. I am happy with the cleaning job. We will just have to call the Tile guys to replace the grout as it gets worse.
Hubby took off for the shop. He was supposed to me Dewayne & Debbie down at Lupe's. They were bringing a truck to fix. 

Hubby left in the truck and took my phone with him. I had accidentally not unloaded it. 

I ran over to Carmen's house to have her call my phone. I knocked on their garage door and Dave came out the front. I explained and she called. I ran back home to see if my phone was missing in the house, but realized that Hubby had it. I went back to Carmen's house and she said that Greg had picked up. 

I went back home after getting mail. The USPS person had left the mail box wide open again, so Dave shut it. 

I crocheted and had a snack. At 2:40PM, I shut the doors and drove the FMF down to the shop. Hubby was welding. I got $20 from him and got my phone from him. 

I went over to get my nails done at 3PM. I was out of there by 3:45PM and drove home. 

Hubby came in the backyard after I got home. He had come home right after me. He had welded a pipe to the leg on my goat in the backyard so he would not tip over, so he drove the pipe into the ground. 

He had also welded an extension to the tie-back for the bathroom curtain. 

We watched TV for a while. I crocheted. Hubby left at 5PM and went down to the shop to have dinner that the guys were making. I stayed home. Hubby finally returned at 8PM after saying he would be back in 2 hours. 
I made a grilled cheese sandwich for myself.

Hubby made my bed. Then I took a hot bath at 9PM and went to bed after taking Melatonin. 

Hubby cleaned up the dishes. Gave the dogs fresh food & water. Then he came to bed at midnight.

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