Thursday, December 03, 2020


Up and awake at 6:15AM. Cats were playing with ball game in office. Hubby got up and they had chewed thru plastic bag with the ornament hangers. 

I made the bed. Hubby got the Xmas Red coverlet out of the closet to put on our bed. Robert helped us make the bed.
Hubby made eggs for Wilson, of which he ate 1/2. I made lattes & Nanogreens.

We watched News on TV for a while. 

Lane finally paid his rent online Paypal after Hubby had to text him for a THIRD time. 

Hubby got dressed.

Stan called to confirm leaving at 3PM for his singing engagement tonight.

Went down to Mesquite City Hall and did a DRIVE-THRU in the Fire Department for COVID-19 Testing at 9:27 and 9:28AM. Was asked THREE times if we had an appointment. Got huge Q-Tips stuck in our noses and a piece of paper to check in 2 weeks for our test results.


Then we drove to Walmart to grocery shop. LOTS of old asshole people blocking aisles. Some guy yelled at me in the bread aisle that I was going the wrong way. I yelled at him to FUCK OFF. I was in the same aisle, just had missed the honey and walked back for it. All this while some bitch lady refused to move her cart. 

We got home and put away groceries. Hubby had to take Dave down to get paint for his front door, Hubby was supposed to get siding paint where he backed into the stucco on house.

I put away groceries. Put Snowman up in back yard. Wilson was in the yard with me. I picked up dog poo. 

Hubby got back, blew out dirt in the truck, cleaned down the windshields in the truck. Hubby FORGOT to get paint for the stucco.

Hubby called Walgreens and the Doctor to renew his prescriptions. I made accounts for us on Walgreens so we can just pick the prescriptions to get them renewed.

I walked down to get mail. Saw John getting mail. Said Hi.

I addressed Xmas cards to KR. I walked down to the mail and put a Xmas card in the mail slot.

Hubby and Dave went to get Hubby's truck washed down by Walmart. They left at 1PM.

Guys got back by 2:30PM. Hubby hurriedly cleaned windows on truck while I walked Wilson over to Dave & Carmen's house. I left Wilson there and got to see Carmen's new front door.

I came back to the house and Hubby was already backing the truck into Stan's driveway so they could load the music equipment (we are the Roadies). I gave Betty her Xmas decoration that I purchased at the Front Porch in downtown Mesquite. (All I Want To Do Is Pet My Cat & Drink Wine). She loved it. Nancy came over from next door. 

We left at 3PM. Stan sat in front with Hubby. I sat in back. I forgot my sweater and we were too far away to go back to get it. 

Drove thru the Gorge and got to St George by 3:45PM. Helped Stan unload at Aragosta Restaurant. He was early, so he told us to go shopping.

We drove to Harbor Freight and picked up tools for Hubby.

Came back at 5:30PM and we ordered dinner. Hubby got Salad & Goulash. I got the French Onion Soup and pasta with Scallops. 



Stan Singing

Stan sang from 6:30PM to 7:30PM.  
Hubby helped Stan haul his music gear up the stairs to a room; Stan waited for his check. There was a mis-communication about the bill and the waiter gave us a bill for $95. Stan got it all comp'd. We left the waiter a $30 tip. We left at 8:15PM. 

Drove back home. My knee was hurting REALLY BADLY. I could barely walk. 

Hubby let me out at Carmen & Dave's house. I collected Wilson and thanked Carmen for watching him.

I walked home in PAIN. 

Took a hot bath at home, took pain killers. Went to bed at 8:30PM.

Forgot to turn off my phone and KR kept texting me while we were trying to fall asleep. I turned off the phone.

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