Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Up at 6:30AM
I got up and dressed. Went to the kitchen to make lattes & Nanogreens.
Hubby let the dogs out. He came to the kitchen to make breakfast eggs for the dogs using the new pots & pans he bought at Costco on Sunday.
Cut up chicken for my breakfast. 
Sat down with Hubby to watch morning News. 
Hubby cleaned cat litter. I cleaned up breakfast dishes and started dishwasher.

I put dirty clothes in washing machine & started it.

Put Tater's collar on so he could go to the shop.

Hubby made the bed. 

I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank.

Hubby & Tater left for shop at 8:30AM. I loaded the dog bed into the truck so Tater can use it at the shop.

I worked on bookwork.

I put laundry in the dryer.

USPS guy came this afternoon. Left 1 box.

UPS guy came and left a couple boxes. Opened up boxes and got delivery of our RED neck gaiters. They look great.

Wilson and I took a walk around the neighborhood and picked up the mail.

I left in the FMF after this and drove down to the shop with the packages. Jay & Amy were there. Bryson installed the new mouse he had ordered.

I had Hubby called Sun City Neighbors to request refund on our last payment which they had over charged. "I'll see what they can do" was the answer.

Had Hubby called Zurich Insurance to find out about check. They said they assigned a VISA payment and would have to get back to him on converting it to check.
I drove home with Tater. 
At home, I put away laundry and put away dishes. Gave the dogs some ham as a treat. 

I did more bookwork.
Hubby got home at 6PM. He had stopped at Walmart to get milk, buns, tomatoes, bratwurst. 
Hubby grilled chicken & bratwurst. Then he ran out of propane. He finished my chicken grilling in the Air Fryer.
Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows at 7:15PM.
We watched the Automotive show, Cold Cases. 
Hubby fell asleep on the sofa.
We went to bed at 10PM.

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