Sunday, October 16, 2022


Up at 6:30AM. 
Sage kitty had curled into my neck, pillow, & Tater's butt last night. Slept next to me for a long time.
Then I woke and Wilson was in the same spot. He kept nudging me until I petted his belly.
Then the dogs got up to potty. Hubby let dogs out.
I got dressed. 

Went to the kitchen to make lattes. Then I made baked eggs in the oven. Hubby put potatoes in the oven. Then he warmed up his ribs he bought. 

I cleaned up breakfast dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

We sat down to watch the Long Boat show - Cruising the Cut. 

I got up to put away dishes. Then I vacuumed. Hubby cleaned the cat litter. 

Clint called so Hubby had to go pick up parts from him. 

I mopped the floors. Got all hot & sweaty.

Hubby dropped off the trailer, unloaded parts at the shop, and took Jose's truck to the car wash. 

I changed shirts because I was soaking wet. Put away the mop, started more clothes in the washer & dryer. Put more dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 

Dogs wanted out. Hubby called to tell me to meet him at Jose's lot.

I drove the new Jeep down to Jose's lot & drove in, but did not see him. He was over talking with Oscar. Hubby got into the truck and we talked to Oscar. 

Drove home. Stopped to get the mail. I was in so much pain that I could not get my leg up to get into the Jeep. I walked from the mailbox, Hubby got out and drove it to the garage.
At home, I put away clean clothes. Started the dishwasher again.
I took some more Prednisone. Hubby was in pain from his hip. 
We watched some TV. Then we sat on the patio and listened to music. People walked by our house. 
At 8PM we came inside because the flies got so bad. 
We watched a Documentary about The Music of 007. It was interesting.
I took Hubby's sleeping pill and some Melatonin. I got sleepy right away.
Hubby was falling asleep on the sofa so I told him to go to bed.  

I rubbed Hubby in bed his iliacus, psoas major, rectus femoris and sartorius were hurting.
Put some pain cream on his leg. He said it felt better.
We listened to music on Google and fell asleep.
I had nightmares of crashing planes all night.

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