Saturday, March 16, 2024


MARCH 16 2024
At 1AM I woke Hubby up and told him to go to bed. I took over watching the dog. 
I took Riley out several times for potty. 
Riley was sleeping from 3AM to 5AM. So I slept, too. She woke me up by jumping on the sofa to get my attention. I took her out again at 5AM to pee & poop. Then we came back inside and she played with & chewed on her toys for a while.

I got Hubby up at 6AM to relieve me looking after the new dog. I made a latte for him and hot tea for me. 

Hubby made new breakfast for Tater. He made a burrito with the last of his "burrito starter" that he had been hoarding for a few months.

Then I slept on the sofa until 7AM. 

I got up and made the bed. Helped Hubby put laundry in the washer. Put clean dishes away. I vacuumed up cat litter. 

Joe H (quite drugged) called from his hospital bed at the Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis, MN and talked for a while. He was doing better!

Hubby left at 9AM to go help neighbor Stan haul a use eliptical that he bought to his house. Hubby still had the trailer attached to his truck. 

When he got home, Hubby made some lunch. Then we took the dogs with us to unhook the trailer at Jose's lot. 

We stopped at UPS to drop off packages to return. We washed the truck at the Car Wash in the Walmart parking lot. Then we left the dogs in the truck to get groceries. A Citizen's Patrol was checking handicapped signs for vehicles parked in the handicapped access at Walmart.

We got groceries and a baby gate for the new dog so she does not get into the office to chew cords. 

I had diarrhea at Walmart; had to use the restroom in the back. 

Then we checked out. I took the keys and went to the truck. Rolled the windows down. The temperature had risen 15 degrees and the sun was shining. Riley was sleeping on the floor. She almost fell out of the truck.

We drove to Tractor Supply to buy garden soil to transplant my plant on the patio; Hubby brought out a tea for me and a Starbucks for himself.

We drove home and unloaded groceries. Put dogs out to potty. 

Then I made business cards with holes & attached them to ducks; found the brochures. 

We loaded the dogs again and drove to the Casablanca to pass out brochures & ducks. Then we stopped at the shop to find more brochures. Took them to the OHV Parking area and unloaded more. There was a group there called Mean Gene Mayhem that meets once a year. We stopped to give them a brochure and Hubby talked with the Club to advise we would help sponsor the event.
Riley happened to get into the box that I had put the ducks into and when I opened the truck door, she ALMOST FELL OUT OF THE TRUCK. I caught it just in time. 

Drove to Virgin Valley and put more brochures & ducks on vehicles there. We were going to drive out to Scenic, but Hubby got on the Interstate instead by mistake. As we drove by the Scenic parking area, there were only 2 trucks with trailers there. 

We drove to the TA Plaza, but there were no vehicles parked there. Instead, Hubby went inside to get pizza, drinks, and lottery tickets. 
Listened to about 3 cars honking with security devices. OMG. 

We drove back to Mesquite. Saw LOTS of trailers in the parking lot at Virgin Valley Food Mart parking lot across from the Eureka. We did not have any brochures left, so I will have to order more. 

We drove home. Hubby let me & the dogs off at home. He drove over to the neighbors to drop off some steps that a customer had left at the shop as he could not take them home in his UTV. Hubby also dropped off some security street orange cones at the Virgin Valley 4x4 Club president's home.

I went home to do bookwork. The dogs took naps after I let them out for potty & water. 

Hubby watched Automotive shows for a while. He put the dogs outside for potty several times.

We updated the Facebook with pictures. 
I went to our bedroom to sleep, and put Riley on the bed as she was fast asleep. However, Sage woke her up and Riley peed on the comforter! 

I had to take the comforter and put it in the washer. I was so tired and exhausted, I just wanted to sleep.
I finally got into bed at 11PM and slept until Midnight. Then I got up and sent Hubby to bed. I sat on the sofa with Riley. She was playing with & chewing on her toys.
At 1AM, I put the comforter on dry again.

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