Sunday, October 22, 2023



Hubby made burritos for all the guys at the Drag Racing. He was having some problems with getting the tortillas soft enough to fold. He had to use steam from the pan. 

Finally ready and packed with food, orange juice, napkins, he finally left at 8AM. He stopped at the shop to pick up t-shirts on the way. 

I vacuumed the hallway because there was cat litter everywhere.

I watched TV. 

Then I loaded dishwasher and started it. Cleaned the kitchen. 

I started laundry.

I worked on my Christmas gift Shadowboxes.
I picked up dog poo.
At NOON, I fed the dogs. 
At 2PM,  FedEx rang the doorbell, the dogs barked. They delivered an S&B Package here. 

I brought the package inside.

Watched TV on the sofa. Sat on a heating pad. Everything hurts.

Let the dogs out a lot. 

I glue some more on the Christmas gift Shadowboxes.

I put away clean clothes & dishes.

Hubby called and left Vegas at 5:15PM. They were waiting in line to get Awards & picutres taken. 

Hubby got home at 6:15PM. I had the keys out for the shop. 
We took the Jeep and drove to Walmart. Purchased cat litter. 
Then drove to the shop and let the people drop off their UTV. A guy with 2 sons, and another car to pick them up.

We went to Smith's to get groceeries - Milk.

Drove home. Unloaded groceries. 

Went to bed at 9PM. I was exhausted. Took a couple Melatonin.

Hubby came to bed, but had intense leg cramps, so he got up and went to sleep on the sofa most of the night. The dogs were up at 2AM and he let them out.

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