Saturday, October 07, 2023


OCTOBER 7 2023


Up at 6:30AM. The dogs let me sleep in until then! I let the dogs outside. Got dressed. 

I made the bed. I made their breakfast, warmed it up, and fed them when they came inside. 
I opened the front door for the cats. There were two boxes on the front porch. I brought them inside. One is a new ceiling lamp, the other was the stupid fake pinecones I had ordered. They are going back. They are too small and plastic looking.
I made latte & Nanogreens for myself.
I cleaned up cat litter. I put dirty dishes in dishwasher. I put dirty clothes in laundry.
I moved the pumpkin display to the back of the closet so the guys can come tomorrow to blow insulation into the garage.
I vacuumed up cat litter. 
At 9AM, I started making pumpkins. Stringing them together and putting stuffing into them. 
Hubby called and said that they were on the car tour already. He had met Steve C, Tim W, and Tom DeL was there, too! It was just like old times.

I went back to making pumpkins. Dogs went in and out all day long.
Some neighbor came to the front door from up the street. She was talking about an electric 3-wheeler that she thought Hubby could work on and fix. Told me she had to go get her husband as the vehicle died. She said "Your husband tinkers, huh?" I told her that he has a Shop. So I followed her because she wanted to show me the vehicle. It ends up being an electric SCOOTER. Very old. I told her that they don't work on stuff like that. I suggested they take it to the bike store. Then I walked back home. 

I bought some online haircolor. Hopefully, I can dye my hair to the color that I want.

UPS brought packages at 1PM. I went to the front door to bring in the candy pumpkin because it was getting too hot outside and I did not want the chocolates to melt. I found 3 boxes there. Ink for our printer I ordered from Amazon, shirts & a pair of Jeans I ordered from Amazon, and a pumpkin I ordered from Etsy. I unboxed everything and put the stuff away.

I went to the garage to get more stuffing and continued putting my craft pumpkins together. I am almost done!

Let the dogs outside again.

At 3PM, I got all done with tying pumpkins.

I was going thru my pictures and realized that Hubby picked our Jeep up in Idaho ONE YEAR AGO THIS DATE. 


Talked to Hubby before he went to bed at 8:12PM.
I watched TV. Let the dogs outside at 10PM.

Went to bed at 11PM.

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