Sunday, January 08, 2023



Awake at 6AM when Hubby starts making breakfast eggs for the dogs. He has to talk loudly with Google Home and I wake up.

I get up at 7AM. Dress, make the bed.

I go out to the kitchen to make lattes. 

Hubby is watching Mecum Auctions on TV. Dogs have been fed and out for potty.

I play with Sage, using the laser light. 

Sit down for a while. Then the birds are outside and Robert is squeaking at them. I get up and get more bird seed for them. Which reminds me that I have to order more bird seed.
I packed everything into the Xmas totes and cleaned up everything. Hubby just needs to put them in the garage. We put them near the front door for now. 

We took the dogs to the park at Noon.

Tater played with a bunch of dogs running back & forth at the fence.

Then some people arrived and he ran with a BUNCH of dogs. 

Wilson barked at some guy that walked past the fence in the park.

We took the dogs home after the park adventure. 

At home, we watched TV.

Hubby painted my toenails. 

Hubby cleaned Tater's ears. They seem to be much better now. 

I started feeling really bad. Lupus setting in. 

I decided not to go to Bunco. Hubby fell asleep on the sofa. He did not want to go either. 

We watched TV until bedtime. 

Went to bed at 10PM.

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