Monday, January 09, 2023


I was awakened by Wilson whining, I needed more sleep because I was awake until 2AM, tossing & turning. Could not fall asleep even after taking 2 Benadryl. So I got up and went potty. Took 1 more Benadryl. Finally fell asleep after that. 

Up at 7AM. Hubby was banging around pots in the kitchen. He was making breakfast eggs for the dogs. 

I dressed.

Hubby made the bed.

I went to the kitchen to make lattes.

Watched morning News.

Almost forgot to transfer $ from Quickbooks to Bank.

Had to email some vendors for Hubby. Then had to get on a Chat to find out where an order was as it should have been shipped after Hubby ordered it on Dec 29. Still got no answers.

Hubby and Tater left at 8:40AM. They took the tan dually. 

I made breakfast for myself and sat down to watch TV. I put more food out for the birds. Picked up dog poo. 

It started raining at 10AM. I went out to the back patio and moved the dog beds under the patio cover. I also brought the bird food inside.

Then Hubby called to ask if we had gotten emails.

Then Hubby called to come get Tater as he was too cold. I drove the FMF down to the shop, picked up Tater and drove home. I picked up mail at the box.

I let Tater inside and then brought the mail inside. 

I did bookwork.
Hubby got home at 4:30PM after picking up cat litter I pre-ordered from Walmart yesterday.
Hubby made me a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for dinner. 
He had left-overs.
I had to take 2 Prednisone because I was hurting so badly.
We watched Automotive shows for a while.
Watched vintage movies from the 1970s - Death on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express. Hubby fell asleep on the sofa. 

I went to bed at 10PM. Hubby came to bed at 11:11. I asked him to wash clothes, but he forgot to put them in the dryer before bed.

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