Saturday, January 07, 2023


Up at 6:30AM. 
I got dressed. 
Hubby helped me make the bed. 
I am exhausted.
I made lattes. 
Played laser point with Sage so she could run around in the bedroom.
Hubby left for the shop and took Tater with him. Hubby had to meet a customer at the shop to get his UTV stored inside until Monday.
I fell asleep on the sofa. 
Then Hubby returned home with McDonalds, but it was the wrong order so he had to drive back to McDonalds and get the correct order but everything was cold. I had to warm up the hashbrowns in our air-fryer. Hubby said his sausage was not cooked well.

Hubby got sick from the McDonalds food.

Hubby checked the washer - it was full of suds and he got upset. I told him that I put in Mr Clean to clean out the stink smell.

I did bookwork.

Then I walked down to get the mail. Put away stuff from the mail. Ordered things online.

I took another nap from 2-3PM.
Then we took the dogs to the dog park in the FMF. 
Tater played with other dogs, running around.
We went to Walgreens to pick up my Prednisone prescription
Then we went to Walmart to get groceries. The Aetna Health card did not work.
We came home, unloaded dogs. I let them in the backyard for water and potty.
I put away dishes. Hubby and I put away groceries. 
Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows. 
I did my blog. 
I put away clean clothes. 
We watched 30 Rock and old Star Trek. 
Played with Sage using the laser pointer. She just loves that. 
Hubby got us both Benadryl for sleep. He fell asleep on the sofa about 9PM.
Went to bed at 10PM.

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