Thursday, September 10, 2020



Up at 6AM. 

Hubby made breakfast eggs for dogs & fed them. I made lattes.

Hubby changed the ball on the truck so he can haul his enclosed trailer.

We left by 6:45AM.

Drove to Jose's yard and hooked up the trailer.

I walked the dogs. They peed.

Loaded dogs in Dually and we drove to St George. We were early, so we decided to drop dogs off at Doggy Daycare Dogtown.

They were so excited to get into the daycare that Tater tore out of Hubby's hands and pushed thru the doors to join the dogs in the outside area!

We left there and went to Lowe's. We had 45 minutes before I needed to be at my hair appointment with Brianna.

At Lowe's, we got a new rug for the dining room. I hated the multi colored one, it was too gaudy. Hubby got paint.

We stopped at Jamba Juice so I could get a Pumpkin Smash.

We then went to United Hairlines and Hubby dropped me off.

He went to Harbor Freight & The Steel Yard. At the Steel Yard, he asked if he could leave his trailer then and pick it up later. They like him there and told him it was ok.

Hubby picked me up at 10:30AM St George Time.

Stopped at Costco to get Diesel Fuel.

We went to JoAnn Fabrics to look for bathroom curtain material. Could not find anything. We got blue vinyl material to cover the office chair seat. We had to wait in line about 15 minutes to have it cut.

Then we drove back to get lunch at Panda Express. Hubby walked in and picked it up as the drive-thru line went around the block!

We parked at an apartment building to eat our lunch. Saw a guy walking his brown lab and then a guy with 2 goldens came and talked to him.

We drove around and went shopping at Smith's got maple & pecan coffee pods, milk, orange juice, specialty cheese, flowers for Dave & Carmen's anniversary and a card. I talked Hubby into getting pumpkin cream cake.

I was exhausted by this time and the temperature was cool. We got the groceries loaded into the truck and drove back to the Steel Yard to pick up the trailer.

Picked up dogs at the Doggy Daycare. They were really thirsty. Wilson drank A LOT! Then we drove home.



At home, we unloaded dogs and they had treats. We had forgotten to stop at Wendys to get burgers for them.

The dogs immediately took naps. Hubby unloaded everything in the truck. I put away groceries.

Dana came by the house in his Toyota and honked his horn. Hubby went out to talk with him.

I made a pumpkin smoothie. It did NOT taste a lot like my Pumpkin Smash from Jamba Juice.

Then Hubby came in and we ate the rest of our food from Panda Express.

Hubby fell asleep on the sofa.

I got tired and took a 2 hour nap on the sofa.

Dogs were still sleeping.

I got up at 5AM and we brought the new rug inside and put it under the dining room table. It looks much better.

New Rug Under Dining Table

We walked down and got mail. 

Hubby made strawberry/banana smoothies.

Hubby watched Automotive shows all afternoon after we got home.

Hubby made spaghetti for dinner.

We went to bed at 9 PM. I took some Benadryl to sleep thru the night.

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