Thursday, September 17, 2020



Up at 6:30AM. Hubby had already been up at Midnight with Tater for potty. Then he was up again at 5:30AM. He took Tater for a walk with the Golf Cart.

Hubby said he had 2 people remark "That's a lazy man's way to walk your dog!" And he could not think of a reply. Some people are SOOOOO rude. I told him to plan a reply to them. He has been diagnosed with CMT and already has MANY problems with balance, walking, nerves, and pain. This disease will eventually rob him of all his physical action. It is a hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy disorder. Think about that. And keep your idiot opinions to yourself.

Hubby got home with Tater and I got up to make the bed.

Hubby made breakfast eggs with bratwurst & bacon grease for the dogs. He fed the dogs.

I made lattes & Nanogreens. I made baked eggs for myself.

Hubby watched TV News for a while.

I crocheted.

Then we figured out numbers for Projected Profit & Loss.

Looked at email from Bank guy.

We formed a response back to bank guy via email.

Then Hubby called the real estate agent to indicate that according to the blueprints, the building is actually 2000 square feet smaller than what they were indicating on the MLS.

Hubby also asked the agent about some water damage to the interior and some of the street dug up to the building with the water connection. He also stated that the keys do not work and all the locks have to be re-keyed.

I finally got the orange pumpkin done with the puckered yarn. It was awful to work with and kept breaking.

Hubby was working on the Doggy Door again (still parking the FMF outside) and he was applying the silicone sealer. He got it everywhere. He made all the retainer trim for it out of aluminum.

At 2PM, Hubby and I went down to Walmart for groceries. We put Tater in the kennel.

Walmart DID NOT HAVE much. No coffee pods, No Dog Meat, No Fabric Stiffener.

We saw Dana getting groceries & going to the self-checkout. Hubby went over to say Hi.

Stood in line FOREVER waiting for people to do self-checkout. We had several items that would not ring up. Eggs, Oranges.

Two nasty teenagers had worn masks into the store, but had pulled them off and were hanging out by the checkout stands TOUCHING EVERYTHING, leaning on everything. Little assholes. They finally checked out and purchased a bike? WTF. Put your damn mask on.

We came home and unloaded groceries. Gave chicken nuggets to the dogs.

The fabric samples came that I had ordered. We compared and finally ended up picking Swavelle Darvel Black Pearl from When it comes, I will give it to Linda to sew.

Swavelle Darvel Black Pearl

I crocheted some more. Started on another red pumpkin for KRN. I wish I had found blue yarn. So I ordered blue yarn Hometown Lion Brand from Amazon.

At 4:30PM, we put Tater in the kennel again and took the Golf Cart to the Pioneer Center for swimming. Saw Jay & Amy at the pool. We swam until 5:45PM when my chest got really cold and I had to get out of the water. The water was only 85 degrees today.

As we were driving home, we saw Kathy & Irl in their golf cart. Saw Dave & Carmen coming down the hill in their golf cart.

At home, Hubby made me a cheese sandwich. He made spring rolls for dinner.

I went to bed at 10PM, Hubby jumped into bed before me.

Woke up at 3AM with a piece of round metal sticking thru my chest. I made Hubby get up and feel it. We went back to sleep.


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