Friday, January 19, 2024


JANUARY 19 2024

Hubby had a restless night. He had cramps. His back hurts bad.

Awake at 4AM when I heard all the work trucks. Tater was still in bed and I petted his butt.
Then I slept until 5:00AM. Sage was under my left arm.

Got up and dressed. 

Went to the kitchen to make eggnog latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.. Hubby warmed up turkey bacon in the air-fryer for me.


I made the bed.

I cleaned cat litter. I vacuumed up cat litter from the armoire.

Sunrise was beautiful this morning. Several different colors in the sky. I went outside to take pictures and saw our neighbor, Amy in her pjs standing on their patio. We exchanged hellos and remarked on the beautiful colors.

I took dirty clothes to the washer and started it. I cleaned up the kitchen and put dishes in dishwasher.
I got Hubby's clothes from outside where I draped them over the table chairs on the side patio and put them into the dryer. There was no stinky smoke smell on them.

Hubby sat on the sofa to watch Automotive shows this morning. The dogs sat with him in their after-breakfast comas.


Tater stayed home because Hubby did not want him to stink like burnt fire. 

I did bookwork. I made reservations for when KRL is coming Feb 8-11. 

UPS brought the blocks for my snowmen and poop powder. 

Hubby got home at 3:30PM. 
Hubby called the Maverick Helicopter Company to make reservations for a helicopter ride when we pick KRL up on the 8th when she arrives. 

We watched TV. Went to bed at 9PM.

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