Saturday, March 27, 2021


Up at 6AM. Got the lattes made. I cut up ham and cheese for Tater's Breakfast. 
Hubby took Tater for a walk around the KOA Park. They saw bunnies.
We disconnected the Electricity and got packed up.
Hubby went to dump the toilet. Did not want to put water in because it was not potable.
We picked up a concrete step from the garbage dump. 
We left and drove to Albertson's for a Starbucks. Hubby dropped me off. They did not sell food.
I walked over to Carl's Jr to get breakfast. Hubby went inside while I walked Tater. 
We were going to sit next door, but the restaurant had the chairs and tables chained down. We ate in the truck. 
Interstate traffic was at a stop AGAIN. So we took the back roads to the Carson Trailer place in the old town of Norco, California which is a total HORSE town. It has horse trails everywhere, accommodations for horses, businesses that look like old western town. It was cute.

Hubby went to talk with the Carson Trailer owner and I walked Tater around the yard.
We left there and drove on the I215 to Barstow where we got off and went to the Outlet Malls. It was a waste of time. Nothing much interesting there. I looked at the Levi's store and then Old Navy. Nothing was appealing to me. I walked across the parking lot to Old Navy. Hubby picked me up at the Old Navy store after he walked Tater again. (who STILL has not pooped). 
Driving AROUND the town instead of going on the interstate, we went to Harbor Freight, where Hubby purchased his new Air Compressor for his shop. I stayed outside with Tater and walked him. No Poop.
Traffic kept slowing down and it was VERY busy. But no major stoppages. 
We drove to Jean, NV where we saw airplanes dropping paragliders. 

Hubby stopped to get fuel at Terribles Truck Plaza. There were 4 cop cars there with a couple. Probably fighting or stealing.

I took Tater to the dog park to play. He was the only dog in the kennel. A couple guys that were leaning on the fence asked if he would bite! I replied No. 

The guys left when a DRONE was hovering above our heads. It disappeared.
We left Tater in the truck while we went inside to look around. I had to potty. Hubby got a drink and some dried jerky. We checked out and went to the truck.

There was a HUGE Saint Bernard playing, so I took Tater to join her in the Dog Park. They loved each other and frolicked. We left when some people brought in some yappy little Chihuahuas. 

We continued our drive to Las Vegas and stopped at the Truck Wash. Had to wait in line. We started listening to a Podcast about crashed airplanes called Black Box Down. It was fun to pass the time.

Tater liked to watch the water being sprayed at the truck. Tater pretended to drive (and nap) when Hubby went inside to pay. 

We then drove home. 

At Mesquite, we stopped at the shop first and dropped off the trailer. The truck & trailer almost fits. The garage door is high enough for the camper.

I let Tater out and he ran around with us. 

We drove home. Unloaded camper. I started laundry. Broke my fingernail. 

I made latte and drank. Was very thirsty.

Hubby warmed up the gross BBQ and ate it.

He watched Automotive shows on TV. 

I did bookwork.

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