Thursday, October 01, 2020


OCTOBER 1 2020

Up at 5:45AM. Both of us slept all the way thru the night. Dogs were still in bed with us.

We got up. Hubby put dogs out. They barked at people.

I made lattes & Nanogreens. We watched an episode of Letterkenny. Hubby wanted to see something funny.

I drove to the Pioneer Center in the FMF while Hubby drove his truck and new trailer (which he was an idiot for buying, and regrets it now. It is 5 years older trailer, and shorter, so yesterday he had lots of trouble getting the lifted, big-tire Golf Cart into-he had to let air out of the tires of the Golf Cart)

There were LOTS of vehicles parked down by the Tennis courts, which they are supposed to leave open for RVs to park. 

At 8AM, we went to get groceries at Walmart before the idiots started shopping. Some idiot young girl attempted to go in the "exit" door and it would not open. Hubby went thru the "enter" door and it swished open, he held out his arms and yelled "OPEN SESAME". I think the idiot girl did not get it. 

I had to potty on the short toilets in the Walmart restrooms. Like sitting on the floor to potty.
I picked up more hemp cord, which I think is too big. But that was all they had. I picked up Hoboken Honey, Bedrock, and Riverdale Tweed colors to crochet pumpkins.

Then we checked out and came home. 

At home, we unloaded the groceries. 

Then I took Hubby to the Pioneer Center to pick up his truck. There was a note on it because it did not have a "permit" to park there and they were threatening to tow it. Even though we have a Sun City parking sticker on the truck. Assholes. 

I drove home. Gave fresh water to dogs. Got out my crochet and pumpkins. I had gotten some darker colors at Walmart and will try those today.

Finished ALL the pumpkins. Now I can start giving them away. Hubby said we have to give one to Betty, our neighbor. I said EVERYBODY gets one!

I have to order more heart buttons.

At Noon, I went down to get the mail.

Rattler got out of the doggy door at 2:30PM today. I had to go get him before he got out of the yard. Then I locked the doggy door. 
Hubby got home at 3:30PM, he had a snack. Then we took the truck over to the Pioneer Center to go swimming at 4PM. 
Dropped off a pumpkin to Kerry. She texted to say she liked it.

Left the dogs in the house, not in the kennel. They took a nap.

Back at 6PM after taking apple cores to feed bunnies. 

Hubby made stew. I had chicken salad with hot latte to warm up.

Hubby gave meat treats to the dogs.

I crocheted. We watched LetterKenny. 

Went to bed at 9PM. I was exhausted.


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