Sunday, October 18, 2020


Up at 6AM. Hubby was making egg breakfast for dogs. I went back to sleep until 6:30AM.

I got up and made lattes & Nanogreens.

Picked up dog poo.

Made the bed, changed the sheets. Hubby put the comforter in the laundry to wash. 

I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and started dishwasher.

We took the UTV to the gas station and got fuel. Stopped inside and picked up Krispy Kreme donuts that were pre-boxed. 

Drove to the Pioneer Center early at 8:38AM. There were two guys golfing on the smaller golf course and SMOKING. WTF! The area is supposed to be non-smoking.

We waited, then Dave & Carmen came. Irl & Kathy got there. Then Janet came with her car and jumped in with Irl & Kathy.

We drove to Beaver Dam and got drinks. The bartender had JUST BEEN TAKEN TO THE ER WITH A STROKE. So another nice lady came to wait on us. Hubby paid for all the drinks.
We hung around until there was room in the Dam Store to buy lottery tickets because some older guy in the store had a thick stack of lottery tickets he was checking.
We drove back to Mesquite. 
At home, I took a shower. Then had lunch. Hubby made meatloaf lunch. 
I fell asleep on the sofa.
Hubby waited for Dana to come pick him up. They are going to the shop, pick up a trailer, and practice backing up as Dana is concerned that he won't know how to drive his camper when he gets it IN JANUARY.
I had an apple after Hubby left.
Hubby got back and at 3PM we went down swimming. 
After swimming until 4PM, it got cold so we left. Came home.

Watched TV for a while.
Hubby took Tater out for a walk/run with the Golf Cart.

Went to bed. 

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