Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Up at 7:30am when the dogs were barking outside.

I made lattes & nanogreens.

Hubby took a shower. 

I started laundry. Cleaned out the dryer lint collector.

Hubby got the UTV out of the garage. He parked the golf cart in front of the house.
Dave decorated his house. The scariest thing in the yard is the Trump sign. 

We drove to Walmart in the UTV. It was quite chilly, but I wore my Salem Witch new sweatshirt.

In the store, I wandered over to the cleaning supplies. They actually had stocked disinfecting wipes & spray! Not name brand, Walmart generic brand. But all the same! So there were signs all over in front of the items, "Only 1 Each", so I asked the Walmart worker that was stocking right behind me. She loudly said "well, THAT lady is not going to make it out of the store with her cart full!" WTF is wrong with people. Not reading signs, jamming her cart full. She was an 80 year old woman. OMG. These are the actions that started the shortage in the first place - HOARDERS. 


So we picked up one of each and I felt so happy that we had gotten them. 

We got yarn and cards for the kids. At the checkout, the manager lady that was over-seeing the self-checkout came over to check out the yard and I showed her the pumpkins on my phone that I was makine. She asked me to bring one in so that she could see it. I told her that I would.

We left and packed up the groceries in the front seat where I was sitting. 

Drove home and unloaded groceries. Hubby looked up how to fix the steering on the UTV. 

I sewed the US Flag, we put it up back outside. Then Hubby put away my sewing machine. He changed clothes and took the UTV to the shop at 11:30AM.
Dogs went outside and sat on their dog beds.
YOGI Window Cleaning came at 1PM. He was done by 3:08PM.
I was exhausted and wanted to take a nap. Everything hurt again. 
Called Hubby at 3:30PM, he is coming home. He wants to swim. I made swim reservations for 4PM.
Hubby came home. He went swimming. I stayed home because I was too tired. 
When he got back home, Hubby made meatloaf for dinner. 

He took Tater for a walk/run at 7:30PM. I was too tired to bike.
I turned off the oven while Hubby & Tater were gone. 
Hubby washed Tater's feet on the patio when they came home.
We went to bed at 9:30PM.

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