Sunday, August 04, 2019



We were up at 5:30AM, even before the Google alarm. I got dressed & made the bed. Hubby went out to get the Can-Am ready and put the Expedition inside the garage.

Hubby warmed the eggs for dogs in the microwave and fed them.

We took off at 6:00AM.

Stopped at Starbucks to get lattes & bacon egg bites.

We stopped at the top of the first hill to drink our hot lattes.

Then we drove to Beaver Dam; some older guy was walking on the trail almost to Beaver Dam. Bought lattes at the Dam Store. Drank our lattes on the picnic table.

Left at 8:00AM and were back by 8:30AM. Already sweating.

Let the dogs out to potty. They wanted water.

I took a shower at home. Hubby started working on the shocks on the Can-Am.

I started the dishwasher, started laundry. Put away clean laundry. Vacuumed.

Dogs played with squeaky toys.

We sat and watched TV for a while. Hubby then fixed the shocks on the Can-Am.

We took the Expedition and drove to Virgin Valley to run our cards for the day to see if we won anything. Then we drove around Scenic to see if they had built anything (they had not). Hubby is enthused about finding some land again to build on.

Then we stopped at Smith's on the way back. Parked in the handicap spot in front of Dominos. Did grocery shopping. Ran into Donna Eads and she told us that the Golf Course manager had told her the NV DEQ had already visited them and told them they are not violating anything.

We got done with our shopping. Let a nice guy in front of us with only a few items in his arms cut in front of us at the check-out line.

Then we loaded groceries and drove home.

At home, let the dogs out for potty. Tater had pulled the quilt thru his dog kennel. And made a mess of something inside. Vomit? Pee?

I had to clean the dog bed again and put it outside to dry.

Hubby made a chicken sandwich with the chicken salad we had bought at the Smith's deli and Croissants we had purchased.

It tasted awful.

Then I had diarrhea for the rest of the afternoon.

Hubby worked outside on the Can-Am until 4:30PM, fixing the shocks and the tires.

I relaxed on the sofa with the dogs.

I finally took a hot bath because I was hurting all over.

My cell phone won't hold a charge. Time for a new one? Yuck.

Went swimming at 5PM, I did 1 hour of exercise, then went swimming outside with Hubby.

We got back at 7PM.

Let puppies outside to play.

Then we watched TV, new premiere of Preacher and went to bed at 10PM.

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