Thursday, August 22, 2019



Got up at 5PM, I had mostly slept thru the night but was sweaty and hot. So I decided to sleep on the sofa in the living room. I covered up with a thin blanket and turned up the ceiling fan.

Slept until 7AM when the dogs had to be let out and Hubby came out to the kitchen to make breakfast eggs for the dogs.

I got up and made the bed. Decided to clean the comforter again. That comforter will not last long if we wash it too often. Will have to watch for down comforter sales at Costco.

Hubby changed cat litter; I picked up dog poo.

I warmed up eggs. We ate breakfast on courtyard. I had watermelon, eggs, and turkey bacon.

Shared my breakfast watermelon with the dogs.

Hubby left at 8AM. He was going to finish Nancy & Mark's tire carrier at the shop.

I cleaned house. Tater decided to make a mess in his water bowl by snorkeling. So I had to clean the floor.

I took a couple pictures of the stain on the bathroom counter, the cracked concrete on the back patio, flag post outside that is barely hanging onto the house, and the screw hanging out of the sheetrock in our bedroom.

 Crack In Concrete
 Screw & Damaged Plaster
 Flagpole Damage
 Stain On Bathroom Countertop

Sent an email to Pulte Warranty outlining the Warranty items.

Hubby got home at Noon. He took a shower because he was sweaty and stinky. The lowered Rain Shower works MUCH BETTER!

Lowered Shower Arm 18"

Hubby ate lunch and watched automotive shows on TV.

I applied for the Apple Card.

 Apple Card

I printed out info for Hubby to get a National Parks Pass free for Disability.

 National Park Pass

Went to get my nails done at GS Nails with Andy. Hubby took $10 from Andy and went to Scenic to purchase Lotto tickets while I got my nails done.

Afterwards, we drove to Wendy's to pick up burgers to eat. I missed lunch.


Came home and gave burgers to the dogs. We ate, but should not have because both of us felt STUFFED.

We went swimming/exercising. I should not have gone because I felt like vomiting after eating so close to exercising. Hubby spent the time in the water exercising. Almost nobody there tonight. I finally came out and joined him. Then some people started coming.

We swam for 1 hour, then it was getting very chilly and we came home.

Gave treats to the dogs. Watched TV.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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