Tuesday, August 13, 2019



I woke up at Midnight, very angry and sweaty. Not angry from dogs crowding me out of bed, just angry and upset.

Got up at 6:45AM. Dogs were crowding me out of bed all night. Tater kept pushing on my kidneys with his scratchy toenails & feet.

I made the bed and made lattes.

Woke hubby up so he could carve the watermelon we purchased yesterday at Costco; I warmed up eggs for myself.

Hubby made eggs with rice, tomatoes, and ham in them to feed the dogs.

I cleaned up cat litter, gathered all the garbage together, picked up dog poo. Took all the garbage out with the garbage can to the side of the road for the Garbage Man to pick it up.

At 8:30AM, the mailperson delivered my watercolors from Jerry's Art-A-Rama.

Hubby vacuumed. Then he got nauseated. Sat on the sofa with a wet washcloth on him.

We drove down to the Credit Union to notarize our stuff, but it was too busy so we decided to come back again another day.

Then we stopped at Hubby's shop to pick up tools. Talked to Eric & Dean.

Drove to Walmart and picked up milk, a grilled chicken, and popcorn chicken for the dogs(could not find malt mix).

Came home and unloaded groceries.

I was tired and watched The Closer for a while. Then took a nap.

Hubby took off the tires & wheels on the UTV. He is going to powder coat the wheel rims blue to match the UTV.

We had dinner.

Watched TV until 10PM, took the dogs for a walk outside to the local park. Lots of dogs were barking at us. We walked the back way to our home.

Went to bed at 10:30PM.

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