Sunday, August 11, 2019



Set Google Alarm for 3AM so that Hubby could get up and take an antibiotic.

Got up at 7:30AM to make bed.

Let the dogs outside to potty.

Hubby was sitting outside on the patio.

I made lattes. Had watermelon for breakfast.

Hubby made eggs for dogs. He was feeling a bit better.

Hubby had opened the screens and let fresh air into the house. It was not very hot outside today. Only high of 99 degrees all day. It was only 80 degrees this morning.

Hubby did cat litter. I picked up dog poo. Then Hubby vacuumed while I did laundry and cleaned breakfast dishes.

We sat and watched Spokane News for a while.

 Robert & Rattler

Then we watched the finish of Season 1 of The Sinner.

I washed comforter and pillowcases.

We gave dogs a bath at 3PM. Then they went to the side of the house and rolled in the dirt. We had to rinse them off again. Put Tater in his kennel until he dried. Left Wilson outside to dry.

We brought Tater outside after he dried and sat outside with the dogs in the sunshine under the patio. It was very nice.

Hubby kept taking his antibiotics but at 5PM, it really started hurting him again. We came inside and I covered him with a blanket.

He watched automotive shows.

I re-did our version of the Wills.

 Tater, Wilson, Hubby

We watched the rest of The Sinner. 

Watched Contact. 

I made Lobster & Crab cakes. Hubby did not eat.

Went to bed at 10PM.

I could not sleep and was restless, wired. Felt like I drank a gallon of coffee before bedtime!

Set Google Alarm for 3AM so Hubby could get up and take his antibiotics.

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