Tuesday, August 01, 2023




We are on the downhill slide for the Snow-birds to come back. This has been a very difficult summer to survive. Heat, Less Income, Loss of Doctor, 

I actually slept in bed all night!

I heard Hubby get up and let the dogs out early. I slept until 6:18AM. Then I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 

I went to the kitchen to make lattes. Hubby was already getting the breakfast ready for the dogs. He gave the cats milk & cheese. 

I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank and read business email.

Then we went to Smith's for milk.
We stopped at Walmart and drove the Dually thru the car wash. It had rained last night and the truck was covered in dusty dirt & raindrops. Then we drove down the Interstate to dry it off.
At Smiths, we walked to go in the far south side as they had the other side closed. Picked up milk. Hubby went thru the day-old steaks and picked out a couple t-bones. I got a new hairbrush. We picked up more Ferrero Rocher for the check out woman and the bagger guy. 
Hubby loaded groceries. I rolled the cart back to the front of the store.

We stopped at Starbucks drive-thru to pick up 2 egg bites and an Impossible breakfast sandwich for Hubby.

Drove home. Unloaded groceries. I put the garbage can inside the fence. 

Hubby put groceries away.

I ate my egg-bite.

I went to pay bills for the first of the month. Hubby wanted to check for a part at Meyer Dist for Chris. Then I had to buy Battery Tenders on eBay for the shop. 

Hubby & Tater left at 8:30AM. Tater barked at us as we hugged. He is very excited to go stay at the shop again all day. It is humid, spitting rain, and there is cloud cover. Only 72° outside right now. I have the front door open and the A/C on inside.

Then I have to call Hubby and have him return home as he forgot the check to deposit today. I hand him the check and the awful cider beer we bought the other day so he can take it to the shop.

Wilson is napping at the front door with his kitties.

I do bookwork until 10AM. Then I made an hot latte for myself. It is cloudy and overcast. Might start raining. I filled a container with hot water and sit down to soak my feet. 

At Noon, Wilson starts barking at the front bedroom window. I get up to find out what is going on. The CLEANING PEOPLE ARE HERE!

I had totally forgotten that they were coming today. So I go out front and tell them I have to put things away and it will take a few minutes. They decide to go for tacos. 

I put the bikes in the garage. Hit my knee again on them as they are SO HEAVY. I put away cat toys, I put away house decor. The cleaners return in 15 minutes and I am done. 

BUT. I can't find my purse anywhere! So I call Hubby to check the truck. I think I may have had it with me on Thursday to get my hair done? 

I put Wilson in the Jeep and we drive to the shop. Chris comes running out to help me with Wilson. He hooks him on the leash. It starts to rain. I look for my purse in the Dually. It is not there.

Then I go back out and look in the Jeep. The purse is there! Under the passenger seat. I am getting so forgetful & stupid. It is an effort to work overtime just to think/remember things.

I leave Wilson at the shop and drive to pick up Gyros at Chicago Greek. Byron was there at the shop and wanted one, too. So I get there and park. Go inside. There is a line. A big fat guy sitting on the left. A husband and wife in front of me. I ask if they have ordered. They said yes. So I move up to order, but another woman comes to pick up her food. So I move to the side. 

Then the fat guy gets up to pick up his food. Then another walk-in comes to get their order. I patiently wait. The older woman at the cashier is flustered. Has to make coffee. Pours the old water into the coffee machine & puts in coffee & a filter. She mumbles about customers will have to wait 10 minutes for hot coffee. WHO wants hot coffee on a hot, muggy, rainy day?

She finally asks if I am there to pick up or order, I tell her and the other husband/wife couple say THEY were there first! I said I thought you were picking up! I apologize and move aside. They order then go outside. I move up to order FINALLY. The older woman proceeds to explain HOW the gyros are made after I order 5 Gyros and 4 Fries. She is very flustered and confused. Then I sit in the corner and wait for my order. It was a LONG 20 minutes to wait. 

Finally get the food and drive back to the shop. Chris helps me unload the food and then I feed the plain
Gyro to Tater & Wilson. 

I wait for a few minutes. Finally, the Cleaners text me that they are done by 2:00PM.  Chris helps me load Wilson into the Jeep. I drive home.

At home, I stop to get mail at the post box. I park the Jeep and unload Wilson. I go in the house.

At first, I take stuff inside from the garage, but find that I have NO ENERGY. So I make a latte for myself and take some more Tylenol Extra Strength. I am hurting everywhere. 

I feed Wilson his 2nd breakfast. He eats a little, but leaves most of it! I am so proud of him. He IS losing weight. 

I sit on the sofa and almost fall asleep. Wilson goes out a couple times. I have a spoonful of sunflower seeds. A couple bites of chicken sausage. I am exhausted.

Hubby goes to get lottery tickets (1.1 Billion Drawing), some scratch tickets, wash the Dually, and then has to go BACK to the shop for his Gyro that he did not finish, He wants to have the rest for dinner. Then he forgets his money bag. They get home at 4:30PM. 

I am still exhausted. I try to nap, but can't. 

Hubby watches Automotive shows on TV. I put away clothes. I do dishes again. Hubby snores on the sofa.

I take a hot bath at 10PM. We got to bed by 11PM.

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