Sunday, August 13, 2023


AUGUST 12 2023


Woke up at 6AM. I had actually stayed in bed all night. Got up and dressed. Made the bed.

Hubby had already put the dogs out for potty, Then he made breakfast for the dogs. He put out cat milk & cheese.

Then he cleaned up cat litter. I vacuumed up the rest from the armoire. 

Hubby went outside and was getting a tire for the neighbor. He was talking to him outside and Wilson was parking.

We loaded our drinks and some grapes into the Dually. We put leashes on the dogs & left. Had to go DOWN TO THE SHOP and pick up something for the neighbor. Then we HAD TO DRIVE BACK HOME and give it to the neighbor. This wasted another 30 minutes. Of COURSE, Hubby had to talk to Casey that pulled up at the shop as we were leaving. Another waste of time. 

We finally left Mesquite about 10AM and drove the back way to Beaver Dam, then past Gunlock, past Veyo, turned north to Central, turned right at Central and drove to Pine Valley. It dead-ended at Pine Valley Rec Area. (which is kinda creepy-reputed to be a Polygamist town?) There was a BBQ in town that was advertised for 5PM that day.

We drove thru the Rec Area. Had to wait in line for a couple ambulances & fire truck to drive thru? It was odd. Paid $6 to get a Day Pass. 

Saw a deer in the road as we drove thru the park. It scampered off into the woods.



Some idiots were sitting in chairs at the side of the road to the walking path and their little chihuahua yappy shit came out into the road to bother us. I screamed NO several times before the lazy woman got up to get the dog which was SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! I told the rude woman to PUT A LEASH ON YOUR DOG! She did not say one word. Fucking idiots. Signs everywhere to leash your dogs. 
We walked the path. We took the dogs for a walk at the Santa Clara River Trail. Tater swam in the creek. He had fun. Tater pooped and I picked it up. It smelled SO BAD.

Lots of people. Lots of people walking dogs. Lots of fishing in the lake.
We rested at the end of the path on a bench near a babbling brook. Then picked up Tater's dog poo and returned back to the truck. Some rude women were walking in front of us across the bridge by the lake and all the way along the rest of the path to the truck and their kid was lagging behind. They totally ignored the kid. 
Finally at the truck and gave the dogs some water, but we had no food! Forgot to pack a back-pack or food. It was already 2PM by this time. Past Wilson's 2nd feeding!
The Mormons in town were setting up chairs in rows (even more creepy) for the BBQ. Looked more like a gathering for a sermon than a picnic BBQ. We definitely NOPED out of there quickly. 
We drove thru town and to Veyo again. Hubby picked up beef jerky that I fed the dogs. Then Hubby went to order a pizza from Veyo Pizza. Had to wait about 20 minutes in the truck with the dogs. While we were waiting, some MAGA Trumpers (with stickers all over their cars & t-shirts) drove in. About 15 piled into the pizza store.

After getting the pizza, we drove to Veyo Memorial Park to eat, but the city had the park all torn up. Had torn down the nice bathrooms and piled rock & re-bar everywhere. It was a mess. We ate our thin crappy pizza. It was pretty much awful. Never going there again. Gave the dogs some water and a slice of pizza. (Wilson will have bad poos tomorrow).

We drove to St George. Just past The Ledges, some idiot pulled out in front of us while we were doing 65 down Hwy 18. Because Hubby's truck has a broken part, his horn & steering electronics won't work. So we could not lean on the HORN for this idiot. I leaned out and gave him the finger as we drove past him, but the OLD FUCKING WHITE MAN could barely see over his new truck steering wheel. FUCKING ASSHOLES. 

In St George, we drove to Beas&Brews to get iced lattes. But pulling into the area, a car pulled in front of us and slowly drove to a parking place. Hubby had no HORN to honk, so we blasted past them and he screeched his tires. As we were waiting in line, some idiots got out of the car- the young kid was driving and looked drunk or drugged. He was staggering everywhere. 

We got our drinks and headed home.

Following a white van that would not get out of the left lane all the way thru from St George to the Gorge, and then we finally passed them at Littlefield. More idiots on the road. WTF?

Drove home and unloaded the dogs. We were all tired. My knees were hurting badly. 

Hubby brought everything in from the truck. I let the dogs out for potty.

Then I filled a basin with hot water for my feet and soaked. 
Hubby called Lowes to find out about our Dishwasher. It is now the 12th of August and it was supposed to have been delivered to the store by August 5. The person in Appliances said to call back on Monday.

We watched TV for the rest of night. 

At 10:30PM, we went to bed.

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