Thursday, September 01, 2022


AUGUST 31 2022
I got up at 6AM. Could not sleep any longer. Trying to conserve energy per the OPD, so have the A/C set higher and I am sweating. 
I made lattes. 
Hubby made breakfast for the dogs & fed them.
We watched morning News on TV.

I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank.
I put away clean clothes from the dryer.
I cleaned up breakfast dishes and loaded the dishwasher.
Hubby left for the shop. He did not take Tater to work because he has an appointment with the dentist in Beaver Dam at 10:15AM. 

Hubby called me at 10AM to let me know that he was driving to the Dentist.
Hubby was SUPPOSED to come home and get Tater so he could go down to the shop after the Dentist, but Hubby did not come get him. Tater was sad.

A GUY FROM KOKOPELLI CAME TODAY TO CUT DOWN THE TREE THAT HAD BLOWN DOWN THE OTHER DAY FROM THE TORNADO WINDS. Instead of standing it back up and re-planting it, they just cut it all up. Poor tree. I had been watering it this past week to keep it alive.

Justin came to change the salt in the Water Softener about 1PM. I talked to him for a while. He did not put in more salt. Said that we need to use more water. The salt was "bridged" in the container and he took a stick and stirred it up. He said the salt should last until the end of the year.

I had Justin look at the side water spout as it was not coming out very well. Found out that it is the Sprayer that was full of water gunk. Need to get new hand sprayer.

I did bookwork all day today. Had to work on the stupid 941 that the IRS sent indicating we owed them money. I narrowed it down to a deposit that had not been recorded by the IRS.

Hubby got home at 3:30PM. 

We got changed and left the dogs at home. Rode the motorcycles to the Community Center for swimming. Left at 6:10PM. 

Came back home and watched TV until bedtime.

I took a couple marijuana and went to bed.

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