Friday, August 27, 2021



Up at 4AM to potty. Then back to bed. Hubby's phone started dining at 5:30AM. I slept until 6AM. 

Hubby was up. He could not make dog breakfast as Tater is not supposed to eat anything prior to surgery.

I put water out for the bird bath. Gave the birds more bird seed. 

I made lattes & Nanogreens for breakfast. 

Hubby vacuumed and cleaned cat litter. I started laundry. Put away clean dishes. I washed the windows from dog & cat prints.

Hubby and I sat on the side patio because it was only 78 degrees F outside. Such nice weather. 
We took Tater at 7:30AM to the Vet. Hubby went inside to sign the paperwork. Then he got frustrated and I went inside to finish "4 pages of paperwork" when it was just a signature that was required. 
I got tangled up in a little baby female blue pitbull named Ivy. She was all excited. She wrapped her leash around my legs. I was giggling the whole time.
I went outside and Hubby brought Tater inside. 
Then we drove back home. Loaded parts delivered yesterday into the FMF. Hubby helped Garry next door install something in his truck. 
I took pictures of the HOA Compliance bitches that were driving around on a Golf Cart and trespassing on Dave's property, pointing at his yard and garbage can fence - they got out and walked around the property.
I texted Carmen that they were there. Carmen did not answer. 
Tried to fill out SEMA, but their website was not working correctly.
I worked on Velvet Pumpkins. Made quite a few. I am running out of stems.

Went back later and filled out info for SEMA again. Paid for registration. 
Wilson hung out with me as the only dog today. He was lonely.
 Then Hubby called and needed me to come get him so he could go to Polaris Dealership for keys. I dropped everything and closed up the house. 
There were boxes delivered and tires, so I loaded them in the car. Left Wilson home and drove the FMF to the shop.  

Backed into the shop so the guys could unload the tires & boxes. 

Then I took Hubby to Polaris. Then I drove him back to the shop. 

I drove to Virgin Valley Vet to pick up Tater. The nurse came out briefly, but did not discuss anything with me. I used their leash to take him home. I accidentally dropped my VISA card at the door, but did not notice it.

I got Tater in the FMF and drove home. On the way, the Vet's office called and said they found my card. 

So I got Tater home and settled. Then I raced back down to get my credit card from the Vet. Then I drove to the shop to pick up Hubby. He was just closing up, but I did an invoice for a customer buying tires. 

Hubby and I left. Drove over to Fidelity Title to do the notarized signing for the Re-Finance with MACU. 

Woman was really nice at Fidelity, but the door was locked when we first approached. Hubby reached for it and did not anticipate it being locked. Almost ripped his arm off. Then some young girl came and opened the door.

We got done signing quite quickly. They had a big map in the room of an older time in Mesquite before Pulte had built. 

After signing and getting a copy of everything, we left.

Drove home. 

Watched TV. Had to monitor Tater for the rest of the night. He was still majorly out of it after his surgery. Drooling.


Let dogs outside.


I had a Kahlua and cream liqueur. We watched TV. 

I took Tater's collar off and watched him so he would not pull out the stitches.

Tater was pretty much out of it all night long. Poor dog was drooling and had red eyes. 
We went to bed at 10PM.
Wilson started choking at 1AM. Hubby got up with him and let him outside.

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