Monday, February 01, 2021


Up at 5AM to pee. I see that the stupid neighbors next door have their fucking BATHROOM LIGHT ON!

Then Wilson wakes me up at 6:30AM to go outside for potty. The FUCKING LIGHT IS STILL ON. 

I get dressed, make breakfast. Feed dogs. Make latte & Nanogreens. I make the bed.

THE FUCKING LIGHT IS STILL ON. 3 hours the light is on! WTF? Are they fucking stupid? Yes. Are they fucking rude? Yes.

I started Roomba and cleaned the master bedroom.

I ate breakfast and was exhausted. Too much work.

At 10AM, I went to get groceries I ordered at Walmart. Pick Up. They are cutting the road down on Pioneer Boulevard and everybody that was turning just FREAKED THE FUCK OUT and stopped! There was one lane open, but they could not understand that.

I got back and had to clean cat litter (I had forgotten) and fill bird bath water. I put all the groceries away.

I am getting upset with this stimulus crap. Give people money. WTF? Is it really so hard? Why are Republicans being such assholes.

I got an email from Panda Express finally.

I paid all the bills. 

I picked up dog poo.

I sent an email to the Loan Guy with questions about the Letter of Intent. 

I sent email to Lawyer's office to tell them about the Pulte address.

The stupid fucking neighbors came back at 2:20PM and slammed their doors, unloading groceries. The dog on the hill barked and barked and barked. Why doesn't somebody complain about that dog?

I had to get email from Loan Guy.

Took Tater for a walk to get the mail, then around the block. He seems to like it. Good HEEL.

I took the garbage out. 

I tried to curl my hair. It is AWFUL feeling. Fuzzy, doesn't feel soft. Don't know what to do. Seems like the Brazilian Blowout Treatment is out...

Got email from Panda Express. STILL can't order online or on APP.

Hubby called several times about Loan info. 

Got email from Lawyer about Pulte letter. Verified info was correct for them to send.

I finally sat down at 5PM to rest.

Watched Dexter on TV for a while.

I am SO tired.

Went to bed at 9PM after watching a little Twilight Zone.

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