Monday, March 30, 2015

4th Day of Spring Break


I did not hear hubby leave for work today. I was still asleep. Thank goodness.

Finally got some sleep after drinking TWO cups of Chamomille & Lavender tea, taking 2 herbal sleep pills and a Unisom.

I slept until 9:30 when the birds kept banging on the side of the house. We will need to go to the marina tonight to get our owls there and bring them back here to hang up. I getting tired of the birds banging on the cedar siding.

Did laundry. Fed fish. Had violent diarrhea. Was dizzy and still tired. Did dishes & put them away. Drug dog beds out to the porch so they could sleep on them in the sun.

Was a nice day. Opened up the doors. Put on my shorts.

 Ben in Sun

 Lil Bit on the deck

Hubby came home after 2 hours OT, then we raced to load the dogs in the Excursion and took them for a walk in the park. It was dark by the time we got down there, but it was a nice spring night walk. Saw some stars in the sky.

Drove to Bayview Marina to pick up our owls thinking that they will be able to keep the birds away from the house.

Came back home. I made spaghetti. Watched iZombie shows. Went to bed at 10:30 after the news.

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