Monday, May 07, 2007

This Is Unreal

We must be living in LaLa Land here. Because why do I have to open my Internet and tune in to MSN to be slapped in the face with the news...of P. Hilton going to jail..."It's unfair!" she whines.

Why is this news?

I am appalled that so many hold her in esteem.

Born into privilege and money that are foreign to most people, this vile woman lives her life as if she is somehow above the law because of her father's wealth. And indeed, even her father inherited the wealth.

What average 26 year old woman has mommy & her "entourage" accompany her to court? Very few people have the funds to hire a "liaison" to interpret their attorney's advice. Gee. In fact, this brat is the only one I have ever heard of that couldn't understand that she was BREAKING THE LAW! Gosh. Nobody else has to be explained to in words of one syllable that - -

1. Drinking & driving is against the law.
2. Speeding is against the law.
3. Driving with no headlights at night is against the law.
4. Driving with a suspended license is against the law.

Who else would have the audacity to show up late for a court appointment, complain that she didn't understand and then blame somebody else for HER problem?

She broke the law. Repeatedly. She knew the consequences. "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

Get help. Grow up. Join the human race. Have more respect for yourself and others than to highlight your excessive stupidity. Time passes quickly and soon there will be a 40 year old hag in the mirror - if she lives that long, still sleeping with everything and anything she can, playing her pathetic little games.

It's a sad life.

Enough of that rant-and on to other things...

We lost power this morning and called to report it. The repulsive Kootenai Electric Cooperative (and I can't be sued for libel because every word I state about this hick franchise is true!) has yet again proven that even with an obscene amount of money, they can still operate their service with total stupidity and disregard for their customers. With the influx of new customers and more money, they have bought new vehicles left and right, hired more staff, but offered nothing in quality service.

The entire time we lived in Waterloo, Iowa where I grew up...we NEVER lost power. NEVER. Ever. Ever, ever, ever, ever! With gale force winds. With 100+ inches of snow. With sub-zero temperatures. With ice storms. With extreme humidity. With blowing, gusting wind & snow drifts that were over 12 feet high!

But I can't even COUNT the times we have lost power since we moved to Idaho. In Kootenai County.

Sometimes I imagine we are living in the 1800s here in Idaho. Another century. So it is apt that my newest freebies are based in the 1800s!

My husband has repeatedly complained that the telephonic equipment has not been replaced Ever. It is some of the original installations. Now, help me remember - - Telephone was installed in rural counties in what year???? 1877? 1934?

I'm sure that somewhere in those years were the same time that electricity was run to the rural areas. When we moved here 15 years ago, there was absolutely NO electricity lines laid down on the major east-west highway upon which we live. It took 6 months for them to get electricity to us. Gen-Er-Rator was our best friend back then. Right, Kelsey?
LOL! Listen to me complain. I am thankful I have electricity & telephone & running water at all. Very thankful. SO very thankful.

Last night we watched "The Untouchables" after our walk! Woot! I can go for walks again! 3 cheers for me. Anyway, the movie is still one of the great ones. Mostly because of that great actor...Sean Connery. Did you know that Kelsey had a crush on him and wanted him to take her to prom? We both really enjoy that voice. Hmmm. Am I just a girl that gets gushy over voices? Maybe.

Postscript-Greg wanted me to give him credit for mowing the lawn yesterday.

And since the electricity was off for 5 hours this morning, I will have the frames posted soon. Almost done.


Get Frames 1 HERE

Get Frames 2 HERE

Get Frames 3 HERE


Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton has never had to pay for any thing wrong that she has ever's about time!!! I don't think her almighty dollar will get her pretty little face outta this one.. Glad you got your power back on..don't realize how much ya miss those things till you don't have them.. Have a great day dear :)

Anonymous said...

We lose power here, in England...the oldest country in the world and therefore the most technologically advanced...a lot! It flickers and dims at home and we lose power at work maybe once every month or so, but they like to blame the bases for it. The military is just a scapegoat.

Yes, suckers for a good accent are we. Now I've moved on to Jason Statham (the Transporter), but Josh Hartnet has a greatly soothing voice that makes me drool. Matt is reading this over my shoulder so I'd better not elaborate.
Love ya bye.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh....these frames are awesome! I just love them. Thank you so much for sharing them with me.
God bless,

Sennah said...

The frames are just TOO COOL - love them all! Thanks alot!!! :o)

Mary Sue said...

I can't tell you how much I love these frames!! I use these little guys all the time on layouts, but yours are so unique. I will reach for these all the time! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Your frames are pretty! Thank you.

hzgrace said...

Thank you fro the PH rant. I am so glad to know I am not the only one who finds her and her family seriously in need of a dose of REAL life.
Thank you for the wonderful frames

Kat said...

These frames are just gorgeous Bob, thank you! And I enjoyed your Paris rant, so true! But until I read your blog even I was clueless about her sentence.

Anonymous said...

This frames are stunning!!!
Thank you so much!

Diana said...

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous frames! I love all the colors and the different designs. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely frames. :)

Anonymous said...

Terrific frames! Love them. Thank you.

Inma said...

About Paris Hilton, she was just making honour to her airhead. So it's good that she is finally made accountable for her actions. She might even grow up finally after this. ;)
But considering the kind of person she is and the kind of circles she moves into, the most likely scenario is that she will do a "Simple Life in Prision" series and she'll become even more famous and get more money :(

Anyway thanks a million for the frames they are wonderful and very beautiful. :o)

xashee's corner said...

thanks so much for your awesome & creative frames!!! have a wonderful day:)

Meta Meulenbelt said...

Wow, these frames are beautiful, thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

I use to live in Waterloo to!
Thanks for the Awsome Frames!
Glad to hear your up and about agian. We lose power here about twice a year mostly in july when everyone cranks the air conditioners up! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these absolutely stunning frames. I love the shiny texture and the all the details.

The Artist Formaly Known as Kelly said...

Love the frames, thank you ever so much. Right on about that spoiled brat. Can you believe the petition for a pardon???

Anonymous said...

These frames are awesome - thanks so much for sharing!! :)

Janice (aka, mi2az)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these great frames!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the frames too cute.

Anonymous said...

WOW these are stunning!!! thnk you so much for sharing them :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the frames! Would love the see how everyone uses these!

Jonimarony said...

Thanks so much. These frames are awesome.

tajicat said...

Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic! Thank you

CathyK Designs said...

Thank you so much for the awesome frames!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, beautiful frames.

shawnyrvr said...

especially love the 2nd set of frames... beautiful!!!
