Monday, July 01, 2024


JULY 1 2024
 Awake at 5:30AM. Riley was wiggling around and tried to play with Tater. They had already been up at 4AM with Hubby and back to bed. 

Hubby tried to hold her so she could fall back to sleep, but she was awake. 

Hubby got up with Riley & Tater and took them out for potty. He made breakfast for them.

I got up at 6:30AM. I made the bed. Got dressed.

Went to the bathroom and did my hair, cleaned my piercings. 

In the kitchen, I made latte for Hubby, made tea & Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork. Paid all the bills.
Hubby cleaned the cat litter box and vacuumed. I started laundry.
I cleaned up the kitchen and started the dishwasher.
I had Hubby bring the step ladder into the master bedroom closet to put things up. Got down some pumpkins to give Rayven and Kim at massage. 
Hubby left at 8:30AM. He checked to make sure that the A/C in the Camper was still on and that it had not popped a breaker. He drove the FMF to the shop.

Bulldog Pest Control Justin came to spray. I put the dogs outside. They barked. I went outside to sit iwth them. 

Then Justin sprayed the outside and we came inside. I paid him with a check. He left by 9:45AM.

I did bookwork.

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