Tuesday, July 02, 2024


JULY 2 2024

Awake at 6AM. Dogs were still in bed with us. Hubby got up and let them out. Made them breakfast. 

I got up at 6:30AM as usual.

I made the bed. I got dressed. I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself. 

I cleaned the kitchen and put dirty dishes in dishwasher and started it. I put dirty clothes in washer. I started washer.

Hubby cleaned cat litter. I vacuumed cat litter from floor. 

I went outside to pick up dog poo. I cleaned out the dog water tank and I put clean water in the dog water tank. 
Hubby watched Automotive shows on TV.
I did some bookwork on the computer. 
I played with Riley and tossed her toys for her.

Hubby left for the shop at 8:40AM in the Dually & Camper. 

I did bookwork until 11AM, then I got ready for the cleaners. I started putting away dog toys, cat scratch tower, vacuumed cat litter from the armoire. 

I put out my drinks and some food outside. Put the air fan blower out so we could have air movement, turned the patio ceiling fan on high.

The cleaners came while I was paying the HOA fee online. I had to finish that, then went outside with the dogs. 

Riley was so hot, she just laid down on the concrete and panted. Tater got a few drinks of water and then laid down, too. I picked up dog poo.

I dropped the chocolates and had to pick them up. Would later throw them out. 

After the cleaners were done, we went inside. I was exhausted. Both of the dogs slept. Tater got on the sofa and Riley slept on the cold floor. I turned the A/C down even more.

I watched TV until Hubby called to have me come pick him up. 

I put the dogs into the FMF, spilled my tea on the driveway as I was loading them. 

Hubby had forgotten to put the sunscreen in the car, so it was over 1000 degrees in there. Took FOREVER TO COOL IT OFF WITH THE A/C RUNNING.

Drove to the shop. Poor Tater was panting in the back. 

We picked up Hubby. Drove to Scenic to get lottery tickets. Drove BACK to the Credit Union to deposit a customer check.

Drove home. 

At home, we unloaded dogs. Took them out to potty. Riley peed on the patio. I went outside to clean it up with the hose. I watered the plants outside to cool them off. 

Hubby made himself some lunch.

We left at 5:00PM to go swim at the pool.

Parked the FMF in the shade and checked in. Went to the inside pool. Some old woman and her grandkids were still there, albeit out of the water, but still getting ready to leave. She would NOT STOP TALKING IN A LOW VOICE TO THEM. They looked cowed. It was disturbing. They finally left at 5:15PM.

I got in the pool, but was cold, so I went to the hot tub to immerse myself for warmth. Hubby got in the pool and started swimming. I got back in the pool and IMMEDIATELY NOTICED A SCORPION SWIMMING AROUND ON THE BOTTOM. 


I got out immediately and Hubby wanted me to get him something to get it out. I wanted to tell the front desk, he said to get him a towel or something. I went to the front desk and told them. (NO AWARENESS, NO URGENCY) Receptionist said she would get maintenance to get it out. I went to get a couple foam cups at the front coffee area and took them back to Hubby. Hubby finally caught it. We put it on the side of the pool. FINALLY, the maintenance guy came and disposed of the cup. Said something snippy like "it IS the DESERT". What a rude ass. Do your job. WHY do people feel it is so necessary to be rude all the time? 
Yeah. No shit sherlock. I have been coming here for 6 years and it is the filthiest I have ever seen. They are not cleaning the pools or hot tubs. There is a massive amount of SAND in the INSIDE pool. It has been there for 2 weeks so far. There are cracks & chips everywhere in the pool and hot tubs. The surrounding area looks dirty. The showers have not been cleaned. 

We swam and then hot tubbed. Left at 6:15PM.

Drove home in the FMF. 

At home, we let the dogs outside again.
Cats found a moth in the office. They were miaowing and climbing up the wall to get it.


Watched TV, re-runs of Brooklyn 99. Then went to bed at 9:30PM.

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