Monday, July 15, 2024


JULY 15 2024

Up at 6:30AM. Got dresssed. Made the bed.

Hubby made breakfast for & fed the dogs. He also made himself an omelette.

I made a latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork.

I put dirty clothes in washer and started it.

I put leave-in conditioner in my hair and did a bun.

Hubby watched Automotive shows until 8:45AM and then left for the shop.

I put away clean dishes. I put away clean clothes. I gave Tater a couple Gabapentin because he was having pain & limping.

I played with Riley and threw her dog toys down the hallway. I gave her a couple puzzles with treats.

At 3PM, Hubby got home. 

At 5:30PM, we left the dogs at home and went swimming. Went to the inside pool. The dehumidifiers were not working. The door to the outside had been left open with a propped up rock, so I closed it so that the A/C would work in the room. The door to the Mechanic/Materials room had been left open.

It was horribly hot and humid in the room. 

We swam for a while. Hubby got hypoglycemic and tried to go buy food in the vending machine outside, but it did not work. He got water for me. Dave, our neighbor came inside to talk. We left shortly after.

Drove home. Let the dogs out for potty.

Played with the dogs. 

Watched TV the rest of the night.

Went to bed at 9:30PM. Hubby was snoring on the sofa.

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