Friday, July 05, 2024


JULY 5 2024
Dogs were up at 5AM and Hubby took them out for potty. They barked at people walking. 

I was awake at 6AM. Got up and dressed. Made the bed.

Hubby fed the dogs an egg breakfast.

Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

I went outside and picked up dog poo. 
At 9AM, Hubby loaded the dogs into the FMF, I got my sunglasses, water bottle with ice, tea, purse, and earring bag. Went to the car. 

We left and drove the FMF to the Falcon Ridge car wash to wash the car. 

Drove on I-15 to St George. LOTS of cars from California on the roads. We got to St George and dropped off the dogs. They were VERY excited. Tater kept whining.

Then we drove to Costco to get fuel, but the line was out into the street. We could not wait. 

So we tried to get fuel on the back street where it used to be much cheaper, but I looked it up on Gas Buddy and they were 9 cents higher than everybody else now.

We drove to Maverik across the I-15 overpass and Hubby was in the wrong lane to turn right, so he drove, and drove, and drove until finally he found a place to turn around past the golf course. We got back and parked. He got fuel, then went inside to get a slice of pizza and a coke slushie because he was going hypoglycermic again. He refuses to drink water. 

I stopped the fuel and got the receipt. 

We drove to St George downtown and got parking spot right outside Medusa's Piercing in the shade of a tree. There were LOTS of people going inside.

I got to pick out some earrings for the 2 forward helix, and the helix. Genial added a different hoop instead of the one they put in. Genial seemed very knowledgeable as she has been piercing for 8 years. Told me to come back in 2 months to get 3 more piercings. Said that Tuesdays were their least busy day.
Then I was done and went to pay.

We were both hungry and drove to Rusty Crab Daddy on Bluff Street. We ordered the Boil Bucket of Dungeness Crab, Lobster, and headless Shrimp. Got sausage, corn, and potatoes with it. Ordered some hushpuppies for a side. Both of us had sweet tea.
I had a bad reaction to something extremely hot spicy on the lobster and I choked. Almost shut my throat completely. Felt burnt like fire. I had Hubby ask for some water and drank it down completely. I was not going to eat anymore after that. 
We had it boxed up to go and left. 
We drove back to Costco, but they were still so busy that we decided it was not important to go shopping.
Then we stopped to get an iced latte for Hubby and a frozen latte for me. We drove to pick up the dogs at Doggy Day Care. 
We forgot to stop for Arby's burgers like we usually do for the dogs.

Instead, we drove home on I-15. Lots of idiots on the road. Slamming on brakes. Afraid to pass semi-trucks, slowing down to 45 on the Interstate?

We stopped at Littlefield to get Lottery Tickets.

Drove home. Unloaded dogs. I let them out for potty. We gave them treats and cheese. Hubby gave them some left over food from the fridge.
Sirens (Ambulance) went flying by at about 4PM. Tater howled. Riley was scared. 

Went swimming at 5:30PM-6:30PM. Talked to Dave in the indoor pool. Then we sat in the hot tub for a while after some old-lady smelling women came in to use the pool.

At home, Hubby made dinner of a chicken sandwich for me. He had leftover shrimp, lobster, and crab then made some rice on the side.

I ate dinner. I was exhausted. Used the last of my energy.

We gave Tater some Gabapentin & Meloxicam for his sore leg. He was limping really badly on it. Must have played quite a lot at Doggy Daycare.

I went to bed at 8:30PM. 

Dogs came to bed at 10PM.

Hubby came to bed at 11PM.

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