Friday, July 12, 2024


JULY 12 2024
I slept late because we went to bed late last night and I took lots of Melatonin.
Hubby was up with the dogs at 6AM. They went out to potty. They were barking and playing.

Then Hubby fed them breakfast.

I was up at 6:45AM. 

I got dressed. Hubby helped me change the sheets on the bed. 

We put the small Queen size comforter back in the bag. Off to donate. I ordered TWO more KING size comforters since Riley keeps pissing on them.

I made latte for Hubby, tea and Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby left at 9AM to take Mike's Jeep to pick him up at the Detailers. Then they went for breakfast at the Golden West. 

While Hubby was gone, I did bookwork. Then I picked up dog poo outside. I had toast for breakfast.

Hubby got home about 10:30AM. 

Hubby put a brick in the pool so bugs did not die in it. I found a couple crickets and a butterfly that had gotten stuck in the water.

Hubby painted the walls where Riley had her gates. He had to put plaster on it then paint the area. Cats had made scratches on the walls that he filled back in with paint. 

We watched TV documentaries on YouTube.

Then at 1PM, I cleaned out the closet, put the rest of the TOTES up on the shelf. I can now sit on the chair in the closet to dress!

Hubby added more food to his GUMBO and then made potatoes in the Air-Fryer. 

I cleaned out the drawer by the kitchen underneath the coffee maker. 

Hubby took garbage outside to the can.

The fridge ice machine is struggling to keep up with making ice. I tried to find another ice maker online, but they don't have good ones that are not slimy, leaky, stinky.

I washed my hair and conditioned it again.

I walked down to get the mail at 3:30PM. Saw a roadrunner on the sidewalk. He was hiding. Then I saw a HUGE dead grasshopper. I brought it inside to show Hubby.

There were boxes from Amazon on the bench just outside our door. The USPS mailman had forgotten to ring the doorbell.

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