Wednesday, July 03, 2024


JULY 3 2024

Hubby was up with the dogs earlier. I got up at 6:15AM. I had a nightmare just before waking up. Tater & Riley were barking outside.

I got up and dressed. Riley & Tater came to greet me in the bathroom.

Hubby had already fed the dogs. He came in the bedroom and helped me make the bed.

I made a latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

Then Hubby helped me make the bed. Dogs jumped on it and decided to play/growl. 

I started the dishwasher again. 

Hubby watched Automotive shows. I did bookwork.

Hubby cleaned cat litter. I picked up dog poo.

Hubby left for the shop at 8:50AM. 
I had to take another Prednisone today because I was hurting all over.

Hubby forgot the cat litter bag on top of the humidifier. I took it out to the garbage.

I watched TV. I conditioned my hair. I put away dog toys.

I did bookwork.

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes.

I watched Suspects on BritTV.

Hubby left shop at 3:30PM. He went to Smith's. Got 4th of July Krispy Kreme donuts, flowers for me, steaks, milk.

Hubby got home at 4:30PM. I was outside picking up dog poo.

Put groceries away. Hubby made bruschetta. 

I walked down to the mailbox to get mail.

I did bookwork. My eyes were burning again.
I was hurting all over so I took a hot bath. 
Then took a couple Melatonin for sleep.
I went to bed at 9:00PM. I put on my heated eye mask for bed.

Riley was jumping around on the bed and wanted to play, so Hubby came to get her to sit with him on the sofa.

At 2PM, I yelled at Hubby to come to bed as he was still out on the sofa with Riley watching TV. He turned off the TV and came to bed.

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