Monday, July 08, 2024


JULY 8 2024
Back to the daily grind. It was SO VERY PLEASANT to have 4 days off. 
Hubby said he was up at 4:15AM with the dogs and it was only 70 degrees outside. 
Hubby fed the dogs egg breakfast.
I was up at 6:00AM when I heard the dogs barking in the living room. Riley was squeaking a toy.
My right arm hurts severely again. The inside elbow. I can barely move it. Will have to get a Toradol shot with my Diet shot this morning at Enliven.

Hubby helped me make the bed. I threw the new Banana Dog for Riley.

I got dressed. Went to the kitchen to make a latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

I yelled at Hubby because he did not take out the garbage like I asked yesterday and there was chicken & steak packages which stank of dead animal in the garbage can. I tied up the bag and he took it out.

I went outside to pick up dog poo.

I asked Hubby to come outside and fill in the hole that Riley was digging.

Then I check the email on the computer. 

Hubby cleaned cat litter. He left for the shop at 8:50AM. 

I cleaned the toilet out after Hubby used it. It was stinky. I vacuumed up the cat litter in the armoire & hallway. 

My arm was hurting after this even more!

I put away clean dishes from the dishwasher. 

At 11AM, I put away everything in the house that Riley could destroy. I braced the doors to the office.

I drove the Jeep to Enliven and got my Diet shot and a Toradol shot for my arm. I talked to Sasha there. Then I paid and left. Drove to Walmart to shop, but too many stupid people in parking lot. Instead, I drove the car wash and washed the Jeep. Then I drove home.

At home, I put everything back. I unblocked the office door. I let the dogs outside for potty.

Then I put away clean laundry.

I watched TV for a while. I played with Riley. I put more ice out for Riley.

I put the Garbage Can out front in the street. 

Hubby got home at 3PM. 

He watched Automotive shows for a while.

Then we watched Brooklyn 99. 

I went to bed at 9PM.

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