Thursday, July 25, 2024


JULY 25 2024 
Hubby got up with the dogs at 5AM. It was hot and humid out from the rain last night.

Hubby woke me up at 5:05AM. I got up and dressed.

Took the dogs to the Sun City Community Cednter grassy area to walk them. Lots of tree limbs and standing water everywhere from the storm last night.

Then we drove past the bunny area to see if there were bunnies. Had to drive behind a very slow man on a bicycle.

Drove back home and unloaded dogs. They were panting and thirsty. Gave them lots of water.

I made a latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork. Hubby watched Automotive shows on TV.

I made the bed. Hubby cleaned cat litter. 

Hubby left for the shop at 7:00AM as he had to meet the electrician to install the lights in the front room & bathroom. Hubby said the portable swamp cooler borrowed from Marcel's in-laws had run all night and it was swampy wet inside the building. Said he had to throw open doors to get it to cool off inside.
I vacuumed cat litter after Hubby was gone.
I made toast for breakfast.
Hubby returned at 8:45AM to take me to Enliven for my injections. I got Toradol and diet shot. 

We drove to Walmart, but Hubby turned around. Some idiot was freaked out about the new lights (NOT WORKING) installed at the intersection at Walmart. We drove to MACU and Hubby went inside to try to deposit the $CASH but came out and the receipt HAD THE WRONG AMOUNT ON IT. He had to go back inside and get it corrected.

Hubby came out AGAIN and wanted me to come inside because the Teller and Manager were losing their ever fucking stupid minds because we are assumed to be MONEY LAUNDERING because we DARED TO DEPOSIT more than $10,000 in one day. OMG. THE AUDACITY. WTF.

So I went inside and just told them to give our full amount back and then they fucking lost it again.
"I HAVE TO CHECK WITH MY MANAGER". I said I don't care, the cash is mine, give it back. 

So they check with the "manager" and come out to give us the money, can't count it there, have to go in back room and count it, then count it in front of us. The teller was flustered and flubbed the counting up. 
I wanted to count it again and the manager got pissed, wanted to know who we worked for, was getting really pissy with us, told us we were wasting time when there were other customers there. We told her that we were closing the account. 
We are finally going to close our accounts there. Every time we have to do anything here, it is SUCH A HASSLE. Tellers are idiots. 
Drove to Walmart to get groceries. Milk, Bread, Honey, Shredded Cheese, Toilet Paper.

Checked out at self-check out. 

Drove home and unloaded groceries.

Hubby left for the shop again.

I put away groceries. I put away clean dishes. I put away clean clothes.

I let the dogs out for potty. I picked up poop.

Then I took a nap on the sofa from 1PM to 2PM. Riley got up on the sofa to sleep with me.

Hubby got home at 3:30PM after stopping to drop off stuff at the UPS Store and getting fuel.

Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows. I did bookwork. Changing all our Direct Deposits to our other bank.

Went swimming at 6PM-7PM.

Splashy couple has to keep running into us. SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH. They both need swimming lessons.
We come home, let dogs outside for potty.
Watched re-runs of Brooklyn 99. 
Go to bed at 11:30PM.

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