Saturday, July 13, 2024


JULY 13 2024
I was up at 7AM. Hubby had gotten up with the dogs at 6AM. He took them outside for potty. Then he made them breakfast. Back outside for potty again.
Hubby put the collars & harness on the dogs. I had to get ready, put on makeup, make tea for myself, fill my water bottle with ice & water. 
Just as I was getting ready to leave, I found that Riley had pooped in the house by the dining room table. I had to clean it up. Hubby was outside loading donate stuff in the FMF. 
Drove to St George with the FMF pulling the Polaris on a trailer. Seemed to take forever to drive hole of time.
We dropped the dogs off at Dogtown Daycare.
Then we dropped the Polaris off at Moto Zoo.
Drove to drop off donate stuff at Deseret Industries.
Stopped at Costco for shopping. Got candy, shrimp, towels, dishwash soap, hankies, 
Drove to Arby's to pick up burgers for the dogs.
Stopped at Dogtown to get dogs. Hubby got the water, I went inside to get the dogs. Tater pulled at the leash and went around the corner, knocked over a plant stand just as an older woman with a small yappy dog came into the door. Tater did NOT touch the little dog, but the yappy dog had to bark at him like it was being killed.
Hubby came inside and got Tater. Then they brought Riley out and I took her outside. Gave the dogs cold water in the shade of the building. It was 103F degrees. 

Drove home. 

Tried to drop trailer off, but there was a truck & trailer in the way at Jose's yard. We drove home.

At home, Hubby unloaded groceries. 

Put out the cat tunnels we bought. 

I started washing laundry. Then I put clean laundry in the dryer.

I pulled all the tags off the new towels 

Hubby started to make brown rice on the stove. It boiled over. Hubby sat on the sofa to watch TV.

We watched Automotive shows on TV for the rest of the day.

Read the news about attempted shooting at Dump. 

Watched TV.

I sprayed Magnesium on Hubby's feet to help him sleep better without cramps.

Went to bed at 10PM. I was exhausted.

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