Thursday, July 04, 2024


JULY 4 2024 
Dogs were up at 5AM and Hubby took them out for potty. They barked at people walking. 

I was awake at 6AM. Got up and dressed. Made the bed.

Hubby fed the dogs an egg breakfast.

Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

I went outside and picked up dog poo. Riley has a huge hole by the patio she is digging. I cleaned out the dog water container and gave the dogs fresh water. Tater had to snap at the water with his mouth. He got me wet. He was soaked. Riley really wanted to play with the water, but she was afraid.

I did Payroll.

Hubby made himself a burrito. I vacuumed.
Hubby watched Automotive shows.
I soaked my feet in tea tree oil salts. I deep conditioned my hair with the heat hat. 
Then I took a nap in our bedroom from 2-5PM. Closed the mini blinds and turned off the light. I was exhausted.
Got up at 5PM. Put everything away; charging cords, iPad, phones, so Riley could not destroy it. 

I got changed into my bathing suit & Old Navy 4th Holiday t-shirt. 

We drove the FMF over to the Center for swimming. 
The Community Center went ALL OUT and put out about 10 flags for the 4th of July!

Saw Scott when we first entered. Signed in; there were too many people inside swimming, so we went outside. I had to go fetch out pool noodles in the car. Had to avoid all the goose poop. Nobody power washing anything. 

Swam in the outside pool. Scott and his Swedish girlfriend, Denise with her daughter (forgot her name), were there. She kept taking glamour shots on the side of the pool with her daughter. Then getting out and looking at her phone.
We saw Geese at the pool walking around. A Family of Four. Mom, Dad, Kids. 

We came out of the pool and there was a flock of Geese walking down the road again.


At home, we let the dogs out for potty. Too hot to go walk in the grass.

We watched TV. 

At 9PM, we dragged our chairs out front to see if we could see the Fireworks. Had to move the chairs out into the road. LOTS OF CARS & GOLF CARTS ON THE ROAD PRECISELY AT 9PM. WTF?

Our neighbors were behind us (didn't talk to us) but the neighbor took a picture of us and sent it to us. We were holding hands in the picture.

Came back inside after 15 minutes. It seemed to be done. We heard fireworks again about 10 minutes later, they started it up again and had a GRAND FINALE. But there had been "technical difficulties". LOL. 

We went to bed at 11:15PM.

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