Monday, July 22, 2024


JULY 22 2024
Up at 6:30AM. Hubby had been up earlier to take the dogs out for potty.
Hubby fed the dogs breakfast. 
I got up and made the bed. I got dressed.
Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.
I did bookwork. 
Hubby watched Automotive shows.
I picked up dog poo. I put clean water in the cat water bowl.
At 8:45AM, Hubby left for the shop in the FMF.

I cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher. 

I started the washer for dirty clothes.

The dogs took an after-breakfast nap. 

I watched TV - reruns of The Mentalist. 

At 2PM, I tried to take a nap. Riley slept on top of me.

Hubby called and wanted me to run a credit card for a customer. Then he called to say he was going to St George to pick up the UTV from Moto Zoo.

I got up to give Riley treats in her puzzles. Tater wanted outside. 

I put away clean clothes.

Hubby got home at 5PM just as I was walking out the front door to get the mail.

I got the mail and talked to Garry, our neighbor. He stank of men's cologne. 

Then I came back and opened the boxes. Mostly stuff I ordered from Amazon.

Hubby warmed up mashed potato & bbq that he made the other day. 

We watched TV - new episodes of My Life is Murder on Acorn TV.
Hubby and dogs went to bed at 10:30PM.
I filled the dog water bowl outside because I had cleaned it today.
Then I watered all the plants in the front and back yard. 
Then I went to bed at 11:30PM.

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