Saturday, July 06, 2024


JULY 6 2024
Up at 6AM when I heard the dogs barking outside. 

Hubby had made dog breakfast and fed them.

Tater and Riley ate even more dog food in the bathroom. Had to get fresh water for them twice!
I got up and dressed. Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

We made the bed. 

Hubby made turkey bacon in the air-fryer for me.

I picked up dog poo outside.
From 9AM to 10:30AM, we cleaned out the closet of all the decor stuff. I donated all my craft supplies and put them in bags to take next week to Deseret Industries.

We cleaned out the Armoire and now we can find things!!!

We cleaned out the front pantry so we eliminated a bunch of empty boxes, donate to Deseret. 

Hubby made lunch for himself.
We watched TV.  

I played with Riley and threw the toys down the hallway. Dogs went outside for potty. They still refuse to play in their pool. It sits there with water in it.

At 3:40PM, we cleaned up the house so Riley won't destroy things. We blocked the office door. 

Then we took the FMF and drove to Casablanca Spa to have massages. We were there in enough time. Some old couple walked out in front of us at the casino slot machines and we had to get in front of them. They did it on purpose because the old man turned to look at us. It is very narrow in the casino area near the restaurants because the Casablanca is doing construction there.

I had taken my pumpkins (6) of different colors and gave them to Kim & Rayven when we went in to the couple's room. 

During the massages, somebody opened the door and saw our butts! Need Privacy Please!

Got our massages done. We both took showers. Then we left. 

Went to get pizza, but it would be 45 minutes to make one. We got ice cream and left. I got chocolate chip. It was awful. 

Drove to Wedgies and sat in the bar. It was not smoky, but I did not like it. We played Keno. I lost $ from $20. 

The pizza was pretty good; better than Mad Mike's the other day.

Some drunk girls came and sat down at the end. THEY WERE VERY LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS. Trying to flirt with the guy next to them and the bartender.

We finally left and drove home. 

At home, we let the dogs outside. 

I played with Riley some more. Made her treat puzzle and she played with that. 

We watched TV.

Went to bed at 9PM.

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