Wednesday, July 17, 2024


JULY 17 2024 

Awake at 4:45AM. Up and out of bed. Dressed. Made the bed.

Went to the kitchen and made latte for Hubby.

We put collars on dogs and Hubby took them out to the car, I grabbed my water & his latte. Went to the car and drove to the park, but there were asshole people with dogs off leash. So we drove to the Rec Center and walked around their grassy area. Some fat woman with two yappy dogs was walking around on the outer area - the concrete sidewalk. Then she met another woman that had a dog off leash. Tater pooped on the grass and I picked it up. The Mesquite Parks & Rec worker came to inspect garbage and dog bags, then he left. We gave the dogs some water and left. 

Drove back home. We drove over to the new construction to count how many houses that the HOA was getting money from; the HOA is alway crying poverty. 
At home, we let the dogs out back. I picked up 6 dog poos and put them in the garbage.

I made tea & Nanogreens for myself. Warmed up egg bites we bought at Starbucks yesterday. Gave one to Hubby. I made toast.

Then I did bookwork. I started laundry and then put it in the dryer. I cleaned the kitchen and started dishwasher. 
At 9AM, Hubby took me to Enliven Med Spa to get my Diet shot and a Toradol shot for my arm. I got out at 9:15AM. He brought me home. 
Hubby left for the shop.

I put away clean clothes from the dryer. I put away clean dishes. I picked up dog poo. I vacuumed up cat litter on the floor.
I watched TV. Tried to fall asleep from the Toradol shot on the sofa, but I kept waking myself up. 

Hubby got home at 3PM.

He made himself a sandwich for lunch. We watched TV. Some Youtube Documentaries about shipping.

Then Hubby tried to fix my sink which is not draining. I have been pouring Drano into it and it works for a day or so, then clogs up again. Hubby found no blockage. 
We watched TV - reruns of Brooklyn 99. 
We went to bed at 9:30PM as Hubby was falling asleep on the sofa.

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